User Guide
What is toulbar2
toulbar2 is an exact black box discrete optimization solver targeted at solving cost function networks (CFN), thus solving the so-called “weighted Constraint Satisfaction Problem” or WCSP. Cost function networks can be simply described by a set of discrete variables each having a specific finite domain and a set of integer cost functions, each involving some of the variables. The WCSP is to find an assignment of all variables such that the sum of all cost functions is minimum and less than a given upper bound often denoted as \(k\) or \(\top\). Functions can be typically specified by sparse or full tables but also more concisely as specific functions called “global cost functions” [Schiex2016a].
Using on the fly translation, toulbar2 can also directly solve optimization problems on other graphical models such as Maximum probability Explanation (MPE) on Bayesian networks [koller2009], and Maximum A Posteriori (MAP) on Markov random field [koller2009]. It can also read partial weighted MaxSAT problems, (Quadratic) Pseudo Boolean Optimization problems, linear programs as well as Linkage .pre pedigree files for genotyping error detection and correction.
toulbar2 is exact. It will only report an optimal solution when it has both identified the solution and proved its optimality. Because it relies only on integer operations, addition and subtraction, it does not suffer from rounding errors. In the general case, the WCSP, MPE/BN, MAP/MRF, PWMaxSAT, QPBO or MAXCUT being all NP-hard problems and thus toulbar2 may take exponential time to prove optimality. This is however a worst-case behavior and toulbar2 has been shown to be able to solve to optimality problems with half a million non Boolean variables defining a search space as large as \(2^{829,440}\). It may also fail to solve in reasonable time problems with a search space smaller than \(2^{264}\).
toulbar2 provides and uses by default an “anytime” algorithm [Katsirelos2015a] that tries to quickly provide good solutions together with an upper bound on the gap between the cost of each solution and the (unknown) optimal cost. Thus, even if it is unable to prove optimality, it will bound the quality of the solution provided. It can also apply a variable neighborhood search algorithm exploiting a problem decomposition [Ouali2017]. This algorithm is complete (if enough CPU-time is given) and it can be run in parallel using OpenMPI. A parallel version of previous algorithm also exists [Beldjilali2022].
Beyond the service of providing optimal solutions, toulbar2 can also find a greedy sequence of diverse solutions [Ruffini2019a] or exhaustively enumerate solutions below a cost threshold and perform guaranteed approximate weighted counting of solutions. For stochastic graphical models, this means that toulbar2 will compute the partition function (or the normalizing constant \(Z\)). These problems being #P-complete, toulbar2 runtimes can quickly increase on such problems.
By exploiting the new toulbar2 python interface, with incremental solving capabilities, it is possible to learn a CFN from data and to combine it with mandatory constraints [Schiex2020b]. See examples at
How do I install it ?
toulbar2 is an open source solver distributed under the MIT license as a set of C++ sources managed with git at If you want to use a released version, then you can download there source archives of a specific release that should be easy to compile on most Linux systems.
If you want to compile the latest sources yourself, you will need a modern C++ compiler, CMake, Gnu MP Bignum library, a recent version of boost libraries and optionally the jemalloc memory management and OpenMPI libraries (for more information, see Installation from sources). You can then clone toulbar2 on your machine and compile it by executing:
git clone
cd toulbar2
mkdir build
cd build
# ccmake ..
cmake ..
Finally, toulbar2 is available in the debian-science section of the unstable/sid Debian version. It should therefore be directly installable using:
sudo apt-get install toulbar2
If you want to try toulbar2 on crafted, random, or real problems, please look for benchmarks in the Cost Function benchmark Section. Other benchmarks coming from various discrete optimization languages are available at Genotoul EvalGM [Hurley2016b].
How do I test it ?
Some problem examples are available in the directory toulbar2/validation. After compilation with cmake, it is possible to run a series of tests using:
make test
For debugging toulbar2 (compile with flag CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE="Debug"
), more test examples are available at Cost Function Library.
The following commands run toulbar2 (executable must be found on your system path) on every problems with a 1-hour time limit and compare their optimum with known optima (in .ub files).
cd toulbar2
git clone
./misc/script/ ./cost-function-library/trunk/validation
Other tests on randomly generated problems can be done where optimal solutions are verified by using an older solver toolbar (executable must be found on your system path).
cd toulbar2
git clone
cd toolbar/toolbar
make toolbar
cd ../..
Using it as a black box
Using toulbar2 is just a matter of having a properly formatted input file describing the cost function network, graphical model, PWMaxSAT, PBO or Linkage .pre file and executing:
toulbar2 [option parameters] <file>
and toulbar2 will start solving the optimization problem described in its file argument. By default, the extension of the file (either .cfn, .cfn.gz, .cfn.bz2, .cfn.xz, .wcsp, .wcsp.gz, .wcsp.bz2, .wcsp.xz, .wcnf, .wcnf.gz, .wcnf.bz2, .wcnf.xz, .cnf, .cnf.gz, .cnf.bz2, .cnf.xz, .qpbo, .qpbo.gz, .qpbo.bz2, .qpbo.xz, .opb, .opb.gz, .opb.bz2, .opb.xz, .wbo, .wbo.gz, .wbo.bz2, .wbo.xz, .lp, .lp.gz, .lp.bz2, .lp.xz, .uai, .uai.gz, .uai.bz2, .uai.xz, .LG, .LG.gz, .LG.bz2, .LG.xz, .xml, .xml.gz, .xml.bz2, .xml.xz, .pre or .bep) is used to determine the nature of the file (see Input formats). There is no specific order for the options or problem file. toulbar2 comes with decently optimized default option parameters. It is however often possible to set it up for different target than pure optimization or tune it for faster action using specific command line options.
Quick start
Download a binary weighted constraint satisfaction problem (WCSP) file
. Solve it with default options:toulbar2 EXAMPLES/example.wcsp.xz
Read 25 variables, with 5 values at most, and 63 cost functions, with maximum arity 2. Reverse original DAC dual bound: 20 (+10.000%) Cost function decomposition time : 0.000 seconds. Preprocessing time: 0.001 seconds. 24 unassigned variables, 116 values in all current domains (med. size:5, max size:5) and 62 non-unary cost functions (med. arity:2, med. degree:5) Initial lower and upper bounds: [20, 64] 68.750% New solution: 28 (0 backtracks, 6 nodes, depth 8, 0.001 seconds) Optimality gap: [21, 28] 25.000 % (9 backtracks, 20 nodes, 0.002 seconds) New solution: 27 (9 backtracks, 27 nodes, depth 7, 0.002 seconds) Optimality gap: [21, 27] 22.222 % (14 backtracks, 32 nodes, 0.002 seconds) Optimality gap: [22, 27] 18.519 % (17 backtracks, 41 nodes, 0.002 seconds) Optimality gap: [23, 27] 14.815 % (46 backtracks, 115 nodes, 0.004 seconds) Optimality gap: [24, 27] 11.111 % (83 backtracks, 210 nodes, 0.005 seconds) Optimality gap: [25, 27] 7.407 % (102 backtracks, 275 nodes, 0.007 seconds) Optimality gap: [27, 27] 0.000 % (105 backtracks, 297 nodes, 0.007 seconds) Node redundancy during HBFS: 28.956 Optimum: 27 in 105 backtracks and 297 nodes ( 544 removals by DEE) and 0.007 seconds. end.
Solve a WCSP using INCOP, a local search method [idwalk:cp04] applied just after preprocessing, in order to find a good upper bound before a complete search:
toulbar2 EXAMPLES/example.wcsp.xz -i
Read 25 variables, with 5 values at most, and 63 cost functions, with maximum arity 2. Reverse original DAC dual bound: 20 (+10.000%) Cost function decomposition time : 0.000 seconds. New solution: 27 (0 backtracks, 0 nodes, depth 1, 0.120 seconds) INCOP solving time: 0.326 seconds. Preprocessing time: 0.328 seconds. 24 unassigned variables, 116 values in all current domains (med. size:5, max size:5) and 62 non-unary cost functions (med. arity:2, med. degree:5) Initial lower and upper bounds: [20, 27] 25.926% Optimality gap: [21, 27] 22.222 % (14 backtracks, 34 nodes, 0.328 seconds) Optimality gap: [22, 27] 18.519 % (19 backtracks, 48 nodes, 0.329 seconds) Optimality gap: [23, 27] 14.815 % (79 backtracks, 189 nodes, 0.332 seconds) Optimality gap: [24, 27] 11.111 % (82 backtracks, 201 nodes, 0.332 seconds) Optimality gap: [25, 27] 7.407 % (87 backtracks, 222 nodes, 0.333 seconds) Optimality gap: [27, 27] 0.000 % (99 backtracks, 258 nodes, 0.333 seconds) Node redundancy during HBFS: 23.256 Optimum: 27 in 99 backtracks and 258 nodes ( 539 removals by DEE) and 0.333 seconds. end.
Solve a WCSP with an initial upper bound and save its (first) optimal solution in filename “example.sol”:
toulbar2 EXAMPLES/example.wcsp.xz -ub=28 -w=example.sol
Read 25 variables, with 5 values at most, and 63 cost functions, with maximum arity 2. Reverse original DAC dual bound: 20 (+10.000%) Cost function decomposition time : 0.000 seconds. Preprocessing time: 0.001 seconds. 24 unassigned variables, 116 values in all current domains (med. size:5, max size:5) and 62 non-unary cost functions (med. arity:2, med. degree:5) Initial lower and upper bounds: [20, 28] 28.571% New solution: 27 (0 backtracks, 4 nodes, depth 6, 0.002 seconds) Optimality gap: [21, 27] 22.222 % (6 backtracks, 14 nodes, 0.002 seconds) Optimality gap: [22, 27] 18.519 % (23 backtracks, 57 nodes, 0.003 seconds) Optimality gap: [23, 27] 14.815 % (69 backtracks, 159 nodes, 0.005 seconds) Optimality gap: [24, 27] 11.111 % (76 backtracks, 180 nodes, 0.006 seconds) Optimality gap: [25, 27] 7.407 % (92 backtracks, 240 nodes, 0.007 seconds) Optimality gap: [27, 27] 0.000 % (100 backtracks, 286 nodes, 0.007 seconds) Node redundancy during HBFS: 29.720 Optimum: 27 in 100 backtracks and 286 nodes ( 569 removals by DEE) and 0.008 seconds. end.
… and see this saved “example.sol” file:
cat example.sol # each value corresponds to one variable assignment in problem file order
1 0 2 2 2 2 0 4 2 0 4 1 0 0 3 0 3 1 2 4 2 1 2 4 1
Download a larger WCSP file
. Solve it using a limited discrepancy search strategy [Ginsberg1995] with a VAC integrality-based variable ordering [Trosser2020a] in order to speed-up the search for finding good upper bounds first (by default, toulbar2 uses another diversification strategy based on hybrid best-first search [Katsirelos2015a]):toulbar2 EXAMPLES/scen06.wcsp.xz -l -vacint
Read 100 variables, with 44 values at most, and 1222 cost functions, with maximum arity 2. Cost function decomposition time : 6.1e-05 seconds. Preprocessing time: 0.159001 seconds. 82 unassigned variables, 3273 values in all current domains (med. size:44, max size:44) and 327 non-unary cost functions (med. arity:2, med. degree:6) Initial lower and upper bounds: [0, 248338] 100.000% --- [1] LDS 0 --- (0 nodes) c 2097152 Bytes allocated for long long stack. c 4194304 Bytes allocated for long long stack. New solution: 7769 (0 backtracks, 98 nodes, depth 3, 0.197 seconds) --- [1] LDS 1 --- (98 nodes) c 8388608 Bytes allocated for long long stack. New solution: 5848 (1 backtracks, 284 nodes, depth 4, 0.280 seconds) New solution: 5384 (3 backtracks, 399 nodes, depth 4, 0.347 seconds) New solution: 5039 (4 backtracks, 468 nodes, depth 4, 0.376 seconds) New solution: 4740 (8 backtracks, 642 nodes, depth 4, 0.510 seconds) --- [1] LDS 2 --- (739 nodes) New solution: 4716 (37 backtracks, 976 nodes, depth 5, 0.863 seconds) New solution: 4693 (44 backtracks, 1020 nodes, depth 5, 0.881 seconds) New solution: 4690 (49 backtracks, 1125 nodes, depth 5, 0.984 seconds) New solution: 4683 (79 backtracks, 1481 nodes, depth 5, 1.361 seconds) New solution: 4679 (97 backtracks, 1607 nodes, depth 4, 1.476 seconds) New solution: 4527 (105 backtracks, 1773 nodes, depth 5, 1.632 seconds) New solution: 4494 (109 backtracks, 1867 nodes, depth 5, 1.700 seconds) New solution: 4487 (128 backtracks, 2068 nodes, depth 5, 1.869 seconds) New solution: 4457 (139 backtracks, 2184 nodes, depth 5, 1.956 seconds) New solution: 4442 (150 backtracks, 2272 nodes, depth 5, 2.014 seconds) New solution: 3986 (169 backtracks, 2444 nodes, depth 5, 2.151 seconds) New solution: 3858 (171 backtracks, 2488 nodes, depth 5, 2.176 seconds) New solution: 3709 (180 backtracks, 2570 nodes, depth 5, 2.248 seconds) --- [1] LDS 4 --- (2654 nodes) New solution: 3706 (511 backtracks, 3957 nodes, depth 6, 3.490 seconds) New solution: 3683 (513 backtracks, 4008 nodes, depth 7, 3.511 seconds) New solution: 3662 (515 backtracks, 4034 nodes, depth 7, 3.522 seconds) New solution: 3634 (660 backtracks, 4735 nodes, depth 7, 3.971 seconds) New solution: 3632 (661 backtracks, 4742 nodes, depth 6, 3.973 seconds) New solution: 3630 (663 backtracks, 4750 nodes, depth 6, 3.974 seconds) New solution: 3619 (685 backtracks, 4842 nodes, depth 7, 4.029 seconds) New solution: 3600 (736 backtracks, 5103 nodes, depth 7, 4.178 seconds) New solution: 3587 (739 backtracks, 5124 nodes, depth 7, 4.184 seconds) New solution: 3586 (741 backtracks, 5133 nodes, depth 6, 4.185 seconds) New solution: 3585 (742 backtracks, 5137 nodes, depth 6, 4.185 seconds) New solution: 3584 (743 backtracks, 5141 nodes, depth 6, 4.185 seconds) New solution: 3583 (744 backtracks, 5144 nodes, depth 6, 4.185 seconds) New solution: 3570 (757 backtracks, 5208 nodes, depth 7, 4.214 seconds) New solution: 3563 (758 backtracks, 5220 nodes, depth 7, 4.217 seconds) New solution: 3551 (762 backtracks, 5236 nodes, depth 7, 4.222 seconds) New solution: 3543 (764 backtracks, 5248 nodes, depth 7, 4.225 seconds) New solution: 3524 (765 backtracks, 5258 nodes, depth 7, 4.227 seconds) New solution: 3501 (795 backtracks, 5428 nodes, depth 7, 4.382 seconds) New solution: 3499 (980 backtracks, 6144 nodes, depth 6, 5.110 seconds) New solution: 3477 (985 backtracks, 6172 nodes, depth 7, 5.119 seconds) New solution: 3443 (989 backtracks, 6196 nodes, depth 7, 5.125 seconds) --- [1] Search with no discrepancy limit --- (7446 nodes) New solution: 3442 (4423 backtracks, 13529 nodes, depth 28, 8.371 seconds) New solution: 3441 (4424 backtracks, 13534 nodes, depth 28, 8.371 seconds) New solution: 3424 (4462 backtracks, 13619 nodes, depth 32, 8.388 seconds) New solution: 3422 (4463 backtracks, 13620 nodes, depth 29, 8.388 seconds) New solution: 3420 (4464 backtracks, 13624 nodes, depth 28, 8.388 seconds) New solution: 3412 (4474 backtracks, 13648 nodes, depth 28, 8.395 seconds) New solution: 3410 (4475 backtracks, 13650 nodes, depth 26, 8.396 seconds) New solution: 3404 (4582 backtracks, 13870 nodes, depth 28, 8.443 seconds) New solution: 3402 (4583 backtracks, 13872 nodes, depth 26, 8.443 seconds) New solution: 3400 (4584 backtracks, 13876 nodes, depth 25, 8.443 seconds) New solution: 3391 (4586 backtracks, 13887 nodes, depth 29, 8.444 seconds) New solution: 3389 (4587 backtracks, 13889 nodes, depth 27, 8.444 seconds) Optimality gap: [100, 3389] 97.049 % (33368 backtracks, 71431 nodes, 31.505 seconds) Optimality gap: [292, 3389] 91.384 % (50312 backtracks, 105319 nodes, 46.031 seconds) Optimality gap: [475, 3389] 85.984 % (52721 backtracks, 110137 nodes, 48.301 seconds) Optimality gap: [921, 3389] 72.824 % (62170 backtracks, 129035 nodes, 54.846 seconds) Optimality gap: [1864, 3389] 44.999 % (62688 backtracks, 130071 nodes, 55.259 seconds) Optimality gap: [3086, 3389] 8.941 % (62722 backtracks, 130139 nodes, 55.307 seconds) Optimality gap: [3156, 3389] 6.875 % (62723 backtracks, 130141 nodes, 55.309 seconds) Optimum: 3389 in 62724 backtracks and 130143 nodes ( 680102 removals by DEE) and 55.310 seconds. end.
Download a cluster decomposition file
(each line corresponds to a cluster of variables, clusters may overlap). Solve the previous WCSP using a variable neighborhood search algorithm (UDGVNS) [Ouali2017] during 10 seconds:toulbar2 EXAMPLES/scen06.wcsp.xz EXAMPLES/scen06.dec -vns -time=10
Read 100 variables, with 44 values at most, and 1222 cost functions, with maximum arity 2. Cost function decomposition time : 5.5e-05 seconds. Preprocessing time: 0.154142 seconds. 82 unassigned variables, 3273 values in all current domains (med. size:44, max size:44) and 327 non-unary cost functions (med. arity:2, med. degree:6) Initial lower and upper bounds: [0, 248338] 100.000% c 2097152 Bytes allocated for long long stack. c 4194304 Bytes allocated for long long stack. c 8388608 Bytes allocated for long long stack. New solution: 7566 (0 backtracks, 108 nodes, depth 109, 0.206 seconds) Problem decomposition in 55 clusters with size distribution: min: 1 median: 5 mean: 4.782 max: 12 ****** Restart 1 with 1 discrepancies and UB=7566 ****** (108 nodes) New solution: 7468 (0 backtracks, 108 nodes, depth 1, 0.208 seconds) New solution: 7360 (0 backtracks, 112 nodes, depth 2, 0.209 seconds) New solution: 7359 (0 backtracks, 112 nodes, depth 1, 0.209 seconds) New solution: 7357 (0 backtracks, 112 nodes, depth 1, 0.210 seconds) New solution: 7337 (0 backtracks, 112 nodes, depth 1, 0.210 seconds) New solution: 7267 (0 backtracks, 112 nodes, depth 1, 0.211 seconds) New solution: 5958 (0 backtracks, 124 nodes, depth 2, 0.219 seconds) New solution: 5900 (0 backtracks, 124 nodes, depth 1, 0.219 seconds) New solution: 5756 (0 backtracks, 128 nodes, depth 2, 0.222 seconds) New solution: 5709 (0 backtracks, 128 nodes, depth 1, 0.223 seconds) New solution: 5653 (0 backtracks, 128 nodes, depth 1, 0.224 seconds) New solution: 5619 (0 backtracks, 131 nodes, depth 2, 0.227 seconds) New solution: 5608 (0 backtracks, 133 nodes, depth 2, 0.231 seconds) New solution: 5171 (5 backtracks, 176 nodes, depth 2, 0.238 seconds) New solution: 5065 (7 backtracks, 188 nodes, depth 2, 0.240 seconds) New solution: 5062 (7 backtracks, 189 nodes, depth 2, 0.241 seconds) New solution: 4972 (7 backtracks, 189 nodes, depth 1, 0.242 seconds) New solution: 4962 (7 backtracks, 189 nodes, depth 1, 0.243 seconds) New solution: 4906 (17 backtracks, 238 nodes, depth 2, 0.291 seconds) New solution: 4905 (22 backtracks, 274 nodes, depth 1, 0.303 seconds) New solution: 4869 (23 backtracks, 282 nodes, depth 2, 0.309 seconds) New solution: 4807 (26 backtracks, 321 nodes, depth 2, 0.349 seconds) New solution: 4797 (26 backtracks, 321 nodes, depth 1, 0.349 seconds) New solution: 4625 (27 backtracks, 333 nodes, depth 2, 0.354 seconds) New solution: 4380 (32 backtracks, 354 nodes, depth 2, 0.361 seconds) New solution: 4372 (32 backtracks, 354 nodes, depth 1, 0.361 seconds) New solution: 4370 (32 backtracks, 354 nodes, depth 1, 0.362 seconds) New solution: 4368 (32 backtracks, 354 nodes, depth 1, 0.364 seconds) New solution: 4349 (32 backtracks, 357 nodes, depth 2, 0.365 seconds) New solution: 4153 (33 backtracks, 375 nodes, depth 2, 0.372 seconds) New solution: 4144 (34 backtracks, 379 nodes, depth 2, 0.374 seconds) New solution: 3714 (43 backtracks, 462 nodes, depth 2, 0.423 seconds) New solution: 3611 (44 backtracks, 464 nodes, depth 1, 0.426 seconds) New solution: 3510 (46 backtracks, 482 nodes, depth 2, 0.432 seconds) ****** Restart 2 with 2 discrepancies and UB=3510 ****** (1935 nodes) New solution: 3477 (1220 backtracks, 6501 nodes, depth 3, 5.336 seconds) New solution: 3476 (1220 backtracks, 6501 nodes, depth 1, 5.338 seconds) New solution: 3473 (1220 backtracks, 6501 nodes, depth 1, 5.339 seconds) New solution: 3461 (1220 backtracks, 6506 nodes, depth 2, 5.343 seconds) New solution: 3449 (1220 backtracks, 6507 nodes, depth 2, 5.344 seconds) New solution: 3427 (1220 backtracks, 6507 nodes, depth 1, 5.345 seconds) New solution: 3426 (1235 backtracks, 6607 nodes, depth 2, 5.426 seconds) New solution: 3425 (1237 backtracks, 6617 nodes, depth 2, 5.429 seconds) New solution: 3424 (1237 backtracks, 6619 nodes, depth 2, 5.432 seconds) New solution: 3407 (1272 backtracks, 6871 nodes, depth 2, 5.662 seconds) ****** Restart 3 with 2 discrepancies and UB=3407 ****** (8284 nodes) New solution: 3402 (1604 backtracks, 8939 nodes, depth 3, 7.663 seconds) ****** Restart 4 with 2 discrepancies and UB=3402 ****** (10196 nodes) Time limit expired... Aborting... Dual bound: 0 Primal bound: 3402 in 2174 backtracks and 11657 nodes ( 96931 removals by DEE) and 9.975 seconds. end.
Download another difficult instance
. Solve it using a variable neighborhood search algorithm (UDGVNS) with maximum cardinality search cluster decomposition and absorption [Ouali2017] during 5 seconds:toulbar2 EXAMPLES/scen07.wcsp.xz -vns -O=-1 -E -time=5
Read 200 variables, with 44 values at most, and 2665 cost functions, with maximum arity 2. Cost function decomposition time : 0.000202 seconds. Preprocessing time: 0.35719 seconds. 162 unassigned variables, 6481 values in all current domains (med. size:44, max size:44) and 764 non-unary cost functions (med. arity:2, med. degree:8) Initial lower and upper bounds: [10000, 436552965] 99.998% c 2097152 Bytes allocated for long long stack. c 4194304 Bytes allocated for long long stack. c 8388608 Bytes allocated for long long stack. New solution: 2535618 (0 backtracks, 231 nodes, depth 232, 0.459 seconds) Tree decomposition time: 0.003 seconds. Problem decomposition in 25 clusters with size distribution: min: 3 median: 10 mean: 10.360 max: 38 ****** Restart 1 with 1 discrepancies and UB=2535618 ****** (231 nodes) New solution: 2535518 (0 backtracks, 231 nodes, depth 1, 0.467 seconds) New solution: 2525819 (0 backtracks, 231 nodes, depth 1, 0.472 seconds) New solution: 2515619 (2 backtracks, 237 nodes, depth 1, 0.475 seconds) New solution: 2515519 (2 backtracks, 237 nodes, depth 1, 0.477 seconds) New solution: 2515518 (2 backtracks, 237 nodes, depth 1, 0.477 seconds) New solution: 2515516 (3 backtracks, 240 nodes, depth 1, 0.481 seconds) New solution: 2515514 (3 backtracks, 240 nodes, depth 1, 0.481 seconds) New solution: 2495513 (3 backtracks, 240 nodes, depth 1, 0.482 seconds) New solution: 2485515 (3 backtracks, 240 nodes, depth 1, 0.483 seconds) New solution: 2485513 (3 backtracks, 240 nodes, depth 1, 0.484 seconds) New solution: 2475412 (3 backtracks, 240 nodes, depth 1, 0.486 seconds) New solution: 2465411 (3 backtracks, 240 nodes, depth 1, 0.487 seconds) New solution: 2465210 (3 backtracks, 240 nodes, depth 1, 0.488 seconds) New solution: 2465011 (4 backtracks, 246 nodes, depth 2, 0.496 seconds) New solution: 2455217 (8 backtracks, 272 nodes, depth 2, 0.502 seconds) New solution: 2455016 (8 backtracks, 272 nodes, depth 1, 0.504 seconds) New solution: 2454814 (8 backtracks, 272 nodes, depth 1, 0.505 seconds) New solution: 2454715 (9 backtracks, 281 nodes, depth 2, 0.510 seconds) New solution: 2434722 (13 backtracks, 303 nodes, depth 2, 0.524 seconds) New solution: 2434622 (15 backtracks, 317 nodes, depth 2, 0.528 seconds) New solution: 2434522 (15 backtracks, 317 nodes, depth 1, 0.530 seconds) New solution: 2434520 (15 backtracks, 317 nodes, depth 1, 0.532 seconds) New solution: 2434519 (15 backtracks, 317 nodes, depth 1, 0.534 seconds) New solution: 2425017 (16 backtracks, 327 nodes, depth 2, 0.538 seconds) New solution: 2425016 (24 backtracks, 392 nodes, depth 2, 0.558 seconds) New solution: 1475515 (24 backtracks, 395 nodes, depth 2, 0.561 seconds) New solution: 1455716 (24 backtracks, 395 nodes, depth 1, 0.565 seconds) New solution: 1455715 (24 backtracks, 395 nodes, depth 1, 0.565 seconds) New solution: 1395508 (24 backtracks, 399 nodes, depth 2, 0.569 seconds) New solution: 1395408 (26 backtracks, 407 nodes, depth 2, 0.573 seconds) New solution: 1384805 (28 backtracks, 416 nodes, depth 2, 0.577 seconds) New solution: 1384803 (28 backtracks, 417 nodes, depth 2, 0.581 seconds) New solution: 1374803 (28 backtracks, 417 nodes, depth 1, 0.584 seconds) New solution: 1374401 (28 backtracks, 417 nodes, depth 1, 0.585 seconds) New solution: 1374297 (37 backtracks, 468 nodes, depth 1, 0.594 seconds) New solution: 1374197 (37 backtracks, 468 nodes, depth 1, 0.597 seconds) New solution: 1364197 (37 backtracks, 468 nodes, depth 1, 0.598 seconds) New solution: 1364196 (48 backtracks, 527 nodes, depth 1, 0.632 seconds) New solution: 1354399 (66 backtracks, 608 nodes, depth 1, 0.666 seconds) New solution: 1354398 (72 backtracks, 626 nodes, depth 1, 0.674 seconds) New solution: 1354397 (72 backtracks, 626 nodes, depth 1, 0.675 seconds) New solution: 1354396 (74 backtracks, 633 nodes, depth 1, 0.682 seconds) New solution: 1344097 (76 backtracks, 644 nodes, depth 2, 0.694 seconds) New solution: 1344000 (85 backtracks, 667 nodes, depth 1, 0.705 seconds) New solution: 1343999 (86 backtracks, 669 nodes, depth 1, 0.708 seconds) New solution: 1343998 (88 backtracks, 676 nodes, depth 1, 0.713 seconds) New solution: 1343800 (88 backtracks, 676 nodes, depth 1, 0.714 seconds) New solution: 1343797 (89 backtracks, 678 nodes, depth 1, 0.719 seconds) New solution: 1343698 (129 backtracks, 906 nodes, depth 1, 0.858 seconds) New solution: 1343695 (140 backtracks, 979 nodes, depth 1, 0.889 seconds) New solution: 373807 (142 backtracks, 987 nodes, depth 2, 0.898 seconds) New solution: 363805 (155 backtracks, 1052 nodes, depth 2, 0.920 seconds) New solution: 343800 (155 backtracks, 1058 nodes, depth 2, 0.923 seconds) New solution: 343799 (158 backtracks, 1070 nodes, depth 1, 0.931 seconds) New solution: 343798 (160 backtracks, 1074 nodes, depth 1, 0.934 seconds) New solution: 343697 (161 backtracks, 1078 nodes, depth 1, 0.939 seconds) New solution: 343593 (162 backtracks, 1084 nodes, depth 2, 0.945 seconds) ****** Restart 2 with 2 discrepancies and UB=343593 ****** (2778 nodes) Time limit expired... Aborting... Dual bound: 10000 Primal bound: 343593 in 1127 backtracks and 7051 nodes ( 31649 removals by DEE) and 4.997 seconds. end.
Download file
. Solve it using Depth-First Brand and Bound with Tree Decomposition and HBFS (BTD-HBFS) [Schiex2006a] based on a min-fill variable ordering:toulbar2 EXAMPLES/404.wcsp.xz -O=-3 -B=1
Read 100 variables, with 4 values at most, and 710 cost functions, with maximum arity 3. Reverse original DAC dual bound: 51 (+19.608%) Reverse original DAC dual bound: 53 (+3.774%) Reverse original DAC dual bound: 54 (+1.852%) Cost function decomposition time : 0.000 seconds. Preprocessing time: 0.010 seconds. 88 unassigned variables, 228 values in all current domains (med. size:2, max size:4) and 591 non-unary cost functions (med. arity:2, med. degree:13) Initial lower and upper bounds: [54, 164] 67.073% Get root cluster C44 with max. size: 20 Get root cluster C27 with max. size: 14 Tree decomposition width : 19 Tree decomposition height : 43 Number of clusters : 47 Tree decomposition time: 0.003 seconds. New solution: 126 (33 backtracks, 61 nodes, depth 3, 0.014 seconds) Optimality gap: [58, 126] 53.968 % (33 backtracks, 61 nodes, 0.014 seconds) New solution: 125 (46 backtracks, 88 nodes, depth 3, 0.014 seconds) Optimality gap: [64, 125] 48.800 % (46 backtracks, 88 nodes, 0.014 seconds) New solution: 117 (136 backtracks, 278 nodes, depth 3, 0.016 seconds) Optimality gap: [84, 117] 28.205 % (136 backtracks, 278 nodes, 0.017 seconds) Optimality gap: [86, 117] 26.496 % (185 backtracks, 416 nodes, 0.018 seconds) Optimality gap: [88, 117] 24.786 % (256 backtracks, 662 nodes, 0.020 seconds) Optimality gap: [93, 117] 20.513 % (316 backtracks, 812 nodes, 0.021 seconds) Optimality gap: [96, 117] 17.949 % (327 backtracks, 866 nodes, 0.022 seconds) Optimality gap: [97, 117] 17.094 % (339 backtracks, 911 nodes, 0.022 seconds) New solution: 114 (353 backtracks, 969 nodes, depth 3, 0.023 seconds) Optimality gap: [98, 114] 14.035 % (353 backtracks, 969 nodes, 0.023 seconds) Optimality gap: [100, 114] 12.281 % (388 backtracks, 1087 nodes, 0.024 seconds) Optimality gap: [101, 114] 11.404 % (397 backtracks, 1195 nodes, 0.025 seconds) Optimality gap: [102, 114] 10.526 % (410 backtracks, 1248 nodes, 0.026 seconds) Optimality gap: [103, 114] 9.649 % (418 backtracks, 1271 nodes, 0.026 seconds) Optimality gap: [104, 114] 8.772 % (456 backtracks, 1358 nodes, 0.027 seconds) Optimality gap: [105, 114] 7.895 % (456 backtracks, 1405 nodes, 0.028 seconds) Optimality gap: [106, 114] 7.018 % (468 backtracks, 1448 nodes, 0.028 seconds) Optimality gap: [107, 114] 6.140 % (468 backtracks, 1467 nodes, 0.029 seconds) Optimality gap: [108, 114] 5.263 % (468 backtracks, 1499 nodes, 0.029 seconds) Optimality gap: [110, 114] 3.509 % (491 backtracks, 1581 nodes, 0.030 seconds) Optimality gap: [111, 114] 2.632 % (502 backtracks, 1635 nodes, 0.030 seconds) Optimality gap: [112, 114] 1.754 % (502 backtracks, 1652 nodes, 0.030 seconds) Optimality gap: [113, 114] 0.877 % (502 backtracks, 1819 nodes, 0.031 seconds) Optimality gap: [114, 114] 0.000 % (502 backtracks, 1942 nodes, 0.032 seconds) HBFS open list restarts: 0.000 % and reuse: 16.119 % of 335 Node redundancy during HBFS: 49.691 Optimum: 114 in 502 backtracks and 1942 nodes ( 38 removals by DEE) and 0.032 seconds. end.
Solve the same problem using Russian Doll Search exploiting BTD [Sanchez2009a]:
toulbar2 EXAMPLES/404.wcsp.xz -O=-3 -B=2
Read 100 variables, with 4 values at most, and 710 cost functions, with maximum arity 3. Reverse original DAC dual bound: 51 (+19.608%) Reverse original DAC dual bound: 53 (+3.774%) Reverse original DAC dual bound: 54 (+1.852%) Cost function decomposition time : 0.000 seconds. Preprocessing time: 0.011 seconds. 88 unassigned variables, 228 values in all current domains (med. size:2, max size:4) and 591 non-unary cost functions (med. arity:2, med. degree:13) Initial lower and upper bounds: [54, 164] 67.073% Get root cluster C44 with max. size: 20 Get root cluster C27 with max. size: 14 Tree decomposition width : 19 Tree decomposition height : 43 Number of clusters : 47 Tree decomposition time: 0.003 seconds. --- Solving cluster subtree 5 ... New solution: 0 (0 backtracks, 0 nodes, depth 2, 0.014 seconds) --- done cost = [0,0] (0 backtracks, 0 nodes, depth 2) --- Solving cluster subtree 6 ... New solution: 0 (0 backtracks, 0 nodes, depth 2, 0.014 seconds) --- done cost = [0,0] (0 backtracks, 0 nodes, depth 2) --- Solving cluster subtree 7 ... ... --- Solving cluster subtree 44 ... New solution: 53 (493 backtracks, 921 nodes, depth 7, 0.026 seconds) New solution: 52 (504 backtracks, 938 nodes, depth 7, 0.027 seconds) New solution: 48 (515 backtracks, 973 nodes, depth 22, 0.027 seconds) --- done cost = [48,48] (636 backtracks, 1160 nodes, depth 2) --- Solving cluster subtree 46 ... New solution: 114 (636 backtracks, 1160 nodes, depth 2, 0.031 seconds) --- done cost = [114,114] (636 backtracks, 1160 nodes, depth 2) Optimum: 114 in 636 backtracks and 1160 nodes ( 80 removals by DEE) and 0.031 seconds. end.
Solve another WCSP using the original Russian Doll Search method [Verfaillie1996] with static variable ordering (following problem file) and soft arc consistency:
toulbar2 EXAMPLES/505.wcsp.xz -B=3 -j=1 -svo -k=1
Read 240 variables, with 4 values at most, and 2242 cost functions, with maximum arity 3. Cost function decomposition time : 0.007695 seconds. Preprocessing time: 0.031135 seconds. 233 unassigned variables, 666 values in all current domains (med. size:2, max size:4) and 1966 non-unary cost functions (med. arity:2, med. degree:16) Initial lower and upper bounds: [2, 34347] 99.994% Get root cluster C3 with max. size: 5 Tree decomposition width : 59 Tree decomposition height : 233 Number of clusters : 239 Tree decomposition time: 0.026 seconds. --- Solving cluster subtree 0 ... New solution: 0 (0 backtracks, 0 nodes, depth 2, 0.058 seconds) --- done cost = [0,0] (0 backtracks, 0 nodes, depth 2) --- Solving cluster subtree 1 ... New solution: 0 (0 backtracks, 0 nodes, depth 2, 0.059 seconds) --- done cost = [0,0] (0 backtracks, 0 nodes, depth 2) --- Solving cluster subtree 2 ... ... --- Solving cluster subtree 3 ... New solution: 21253 (26963 backtracks, 48851 nodes, depth 3, 5.361 seconds) New solution: 21251 (26991 backtracks, 48883 nodes, depth 4, 5.367 seconds) --- done cost = [21251,21251] (26992 backtracks, 48883 nodes, depth 2) --- Solving cluster subtree 238 ... New solution: 21253 (26992 backtracks, 48883 nodes, depth 2, 5.367 seconds) --- done cost = [21253,21253] (26992 backtracks, 48883 nodes, depth 2) Optimum: 21253 in 26992 backtracks and 48883 nodes ( 0 removals by DEE) and 5.377 seconds. end.
Solve the same WCSP using a parallel variable neighborhood search algorithm (UPDGVNS) with min-fill cluster decomposition [Ouali2017] using 4 cores during 5 seconds:
mpirun -n 4 toulbar2 EXAMPLES/505.wcsp.xz -vns -O=-3 -time=5
Read 240 variables, with 4 values at most, and 2242 cost functions, with maximum arity 3. Reverse original DAC dual bound: 5086 (+59.339%) Reverse original DAC dual bound: 5089 (+0.059%) Cost function decomposition time : 0.014 seconds. Preprocessing time: 0.137 seconds. 233 unassigned variables, 666 values in all current domains (med. size:2, max size:4) and 1969 non-unary cost functions (med. arity:2, med. degree:16) Initial lower and upper bounds: [5089, 34354] 85.187% Tree decomposition time: 0.018 seconds. Problem decomposition in 89 clusters with size distribution: min: 4 median: 11 mean: 11.831 max: 23 New solution: 26266 (0 backtracks, 55 nodes, depth 56, 0.167 seconds) New solution: 26264 in 0.182 seconds. New solution: 26263 in 0.187 seconds. New solution: 26262 in 0.188 seconds. New solution: 26261 in 0.207 seconds. New solution: 26260 in 0.221 seconds. New solution: 25261 in 0.228 seconds. New solution: 25257 in 0.239 seconds. New solution: 24262 in 0.243 seconds. New solution: 23262 in 0.258 seconds. New solution: 23261 in 0.266 seconds. New solution: 23259 in 0.270 seconds. New solution: 22260 in 0.307 seconds. New solution: 21262 in 0.328 seconds. New solution: 21261 in 0.334 seconds. New solution: 21260 in 0.347 seconds. New solution: 21258 in 0.452 seconds. New solution: 21257 in 0.554 seconds. New solution: 21256 in 0.625 seconds. New solution: 21255 in 0.640 seconds. New solution: 21254 in 0.649 seconds. New solution: 21253 in 1.060 seconds.
Download a cluster decomposition file
(each line corresponds to a cluster of variables, clusters may overlap). Solve a WCSP using a variable neighborhood search algorithm (UDGVNS) with a given cluster decomposition:toulbar2 EXAMPLES/example.wcsp.xz EXAMPLES/example.dec -vns
Read 25 variables, with 5 values at most, and 63 cost functions, with maximum arity 2. Reverse original DAC dual bound: 20 (+10.000%) Cost function decomposition time : 0.000 seconds. Preprocessing time: 0.001 seconds. 24 unassigned variables, 116 values in all current domains (med. size:5, max size:5) and 62 non-unary cost functions (med. arity:2, med. degree:5) Initial lower and upper bounds: [20, 64] 68.750% New solution: 29 (0 backtracks, 6 nodes, depth 7, 0.001 seconds) Problem decomposition in 7 clusters with size distribution: min: 11 median: 15 mean: 15.143 max: 17 ****** Restart 1 with 1 discrepancies and UB=29 ****** (6 nodes) New solution: 28 (0 backtracks, 6 nodes, depth 1, 0.002 seconds) New solution: 27 (12 backtracks, 52 nodes, depth 2, 0.004 seconds) ****** Restart 2 with 2 discrepancies and UB=27 ****** (101 nodes) ****** Restart 3 with 4 discrepancies and UB=27 ****** (217 nodes) ****** Restart 4 with 8 discrepancies and UB=27 ****** (376 nodes) ****** Restart 5 with 16 discrepancies and UB=27 ****** (724 nodes) Optimum: 27 in 446 backtracks and 1002 nodes ( 3035 removals by DEE) and 0.034 seconds. end.
Solve a WCSP using a parallel variable neighborhood search algorithm (UPDGVNS) with the same cluster decomposition:
mpirun -n 4 toulbar2 EXAMPLES/example.wcsp.xz EXAMPLES/example.dec -vns
Read 25 variables, with 5 values at most, and 63 cost functions, with maximum arity 2. Reverse original DAC dual bound: 20 (+10.000%) Cost function decomposition time : 0.000 seconds. Preprocessing time: 0.001 seconds. 24 unassigned variables, 116 values in all current domains (med. size:5, max size:5) and 62 non-unary cost functions (med. arity:2, med. degree:5) Initial lower and upper bounds: [20, 64] 68.750% Problem decomposition in 7 clusters with size distribution: min: 11 median: 15 mean: 15.143 max: 17 New solution: 29 (0 backtracks, 7 nodes, depth 8, 0.002 seconds) New solution: 28 in 0.003 seconds. New solution: 27 in 0.003 seconds. Optimum: 27 in 0 backtracks and 7 nodes ( 32 removals by DEE) and 0.063 seconds. Total CPU time = 0.267 seconds. Solving real-time = 0.066 seconds (not including reading and preprocessing time). end.
Download file
. Solve a WCSP using BTD-HBFS based on a given (min-fill) reverse variable elimination ordering:toulbar2 EXAMPLES/example.wcsp.xz EXAMPLES/example.order -B=1
Read 25 variables, with 5 values at most, and 63 cost functions, with maximum arity 2. Reverse original DAC dual bound: 19 (+5.263%) Reverse original DAC dual bound: 21 (+9.524%) Cost function decomposition time : 0.000 seconds. Preprocessing time: 0.001 seconds. 24 unassigned variables, 118 values in all current domains (med. size:5, max size:5) and 62 non-unary cost functions (med. arity:2, med. degree:5) Initial lower and upper bounds: [21, 64] 67.188% Get root cluster C14 with max. size: 9 Tree decomposition width : 8 Tree decomposition height : 16 Number of clusters : 18 Tree decomposition time: 0.001 seconds. New solution: 28 (19 backtracks, 30 nodes, depth 3, 0.002 seconds) Optimality gap: [23, 28] 17.857 % (26 backtracks, 45 nodes, 0.003 seconds) New solution: 27 (60 backtracks, 127 nodes, depth 3, 0.004 seconds) Optimality gap: [23, 27] 14.815 % (60 backtracks, 127 nodes, 0.004 seconds) Optimality gap: [24, 27] 11.111 % (102 backtracks, 214 nodes, 0.006 seconds) Optimality gap: [25, 27] 7.407 % (148 backtracks, 348 nodes, 0.009 seconds) Optimality gap: [26, 27] 3.704 % (157 backtracks, 397 nodes, 0.010 seconds) Optimality gap: [27, 27] 0.000 % (157 backtracks, 410 nodes, 0.010 seconds) HBFS open list restarts: 0.000 % and reuse: 13.333 % of 45 Node redundancy during HBFS: 25.366 Optimum: 27 in 157 backtracks and 410 nodes ( 238 removals by DEE) and 0.010 seconds. end.
Download file
. Solve a WCSP using BTD-HBFS based on a given explicit (min-fill path-) tree-decomposition:toulbar2 EXAMPLES/example.wcsp.xz EXAMPLES/example.cov -B=1
Read 25 variables, with 5 values at most, and 63 cost functions, with maximum arity 2. Warning! Cannot apply variable elimination during search with a given tree decomposition file. Warning! Cannot apply functional variable elimination with a given tree decomposition file. Reverse original DAC dual bound: 19 (+10.526%) Reverse original DAC dual bound: 20 (+5.000%) Cost function decomposition time : 0.000 seconds. Preprocessing time: 0.001 seconds. 25 unassigned variables, 120 values in all current domains (med. size:5, max size:5) and 63 non-unary cost functions (med. arity:2, med. degree:5) Initial lower and upper bounds: [20, 64] 68.750% Tree decomposition width : 16 Tree decomposition height : 24 Number of clusters : 9 Tree decomposition time: 0.001 seconds. New solution: 28 (23 backtracks, 29 nodes, depth 3, 0.003 seconds) Optimality gap: [21, 28] 25.000 % (61 backtracks, 124 nodes, 0.005 seconds) Optimality gap: [22, 28] 21.429 % (154 backtracks, 321 nodes, 0.009 seconds) New solution: 27 (390 backtracks, 814 nodes, depth 3, 0.018 seconds) Optimality gap: [23, 27] 14.815 % (390 backtracks, 814 nodes, 0.018 seconds) Optimality gap: [24, 27] 11.111 % (417 backtracks, 884 nodes, 0.020 seconds) Optimality gap: [25, 27] 7.407 % (435 backtracks, 966 nodes, 0.021 seconds) Optimality gap: [26, 27] 3.704 % (450 backtracks, 1044 nodes, 0.021 seconds) Optimality gap: [27, 27] 0.000 % (450 backtracks, 1072 nodes, 0.022 seconds) HBFS open list restarts: 0.000 % and reuse: 33.333 % of 21 Node redundancy during HBFS: 17.724 Optimum: 27 in 450 backtracks and 1072 nodes ( 248 removals by DEE) and 0.022 seconds. end.
Download a Markov Random Field (MRF) file
in UAI format. Solve it using bounded (of degree at most 8) variable elimination enhanced by cost function decomposition in preprocessing [Favier2011a] followed by BTD-HBFS exploiting only small-size (less than four variables) separators:toulbar2 EXAMPLES/pedigree9.uai.xz -O=-3 -p=-8 -B=1 -r=4
Read 1118 variables, with 7 values at most, and 1118 cost functions, with maximum arity 4. No evidence file specified. Trying EXAMPLES/pedigree9.uai.evid No evidence file. Reverse original DAC dual bound: 287536650 energy: 240.632 (+7.642%) Generic variable elimination of degree 4 Maximum degree of generic variable elimination: 4 Cost function decomposition time : 0.004 seconds. Preprocessing time: 0.086 seconds. 235 unassigned variables, 523 values in all current domains (med. size:2, max size:4) and 433 non-unary cost functions (med. arity:2, med. degree:6) Initial lower and upper bounds: [560511104, 13246577993] 95.769% Get root cluster C1034 with max. size: 30 Tree decomposition width : 230 Tree decomposition height : 233 Number of clusters : 887 Tree decomposition time: 0.021 seconds. New solution: 839721541 energy: 295.850 prob: 3.265e-129 (70 backtracks, 133 nodes, depth 3, 0.118 seconds) New solution: 837627377 energy: 295.641 prob: 4.025e-129 (363 backtracks, 808 nodes, depth 3, 0.148 seconds) New solution: 815835377 energy: 293.462 prob: 3.558e-128 (590 backtracks, 1287 nodes, depth 3, 0.183 seconds) New solution: 771837572 energy: 289.062 prob: 2.898e-126 (1153 backtracks, 2462 nodes, depth 3, 0.266 seconds) New solution: 749865327 energy: 286.865 prob: 2.608e-125 (2257 backtracks, 4726 nodes, depth 3, 0.452 seconds) New solution: 743190828 energy: 286.197 prob: 5.083e-125 (2962 backtracks, 6589 nodes, depth 3, 0.529 seconds) New solution: 718546229 energy: 283.733 prob: 5.976e-124 (5872 backtracks, 12559 nodes, depth 3, 1.012 seconds) New solution: 712604395 energy: 283.139 prob: 1.083e-123 (9785 backtracks, 20539 nodes, depth 3, 1.667 seconds) New solution: 711184935 energy: 282.997 prob: 1.248e-123 (10606 backtracks, 22820 nodes, depth 3, 1.778 seconds) HBFS open list restarts: 0.000 % and reuse: 74.124 % of 3424 Node redundancy during HBFS: 20.718 Optimum: 711184935 energy: 282.997 prob: 1.248e-123 in 165886 backtracks and 418438 nodes ( 566654 removals by DEE) and 29.071 seconds. end.
Download another MRF file
. Solve it using Virtual Arc Consistency (VAC) in preprocessing [Cooper2008] and exploit a VAC-based value [Cooper2010a] and variable [Trosser2020a] ordering heuristics:toulbar2 EXAMPLES/GeomSurf-7-gm256.uai.xz -A -V -vacint
Read 787 variables, with 7 values at most, and 3527 cost functions, with maximum arity 3. No evidence file specified. Trying EXAMPLES/GeomSurf-7-gm256.uai.evid No evidence file. Reverse original DAC dual bound: 5874975174 energy: 1073.679 (+0.003%) Cost function decomposition time : 0.005 seconds. Number of VAC iterations: 768 Number of times is VAC: 360 Number of times isvac and itThreshold > 1: 351 Preprocessing time: 2.085 seconds. 729 unassigned variables, 4818 values in all current domains (med. size:7, max size:7) and 3132 non-unary cost functions (med. arity:2, med. degree:6) Initial lower and upper bounds: [5899313907, 111615203929] 94.715% New solution: 5926230227 energy: 1078.805 prob: 3.027e-469 (0 backtracks, 1 nodes, depth 3, 2.088 seconds) New solution: 5922482579 energy: 1078.430 prob: 4.404e-469 (0 backtracks, 1 nodes, depth 2, 2.092 seconds) Optimality gap: [5922482579, 5922482579] 0.000 % (0 backtracks, 1 nodes, 2.093 seconds) Number of VAC iterations: 928 Number of times is VAC: 520 Number of times isvac and itThreshold > 1: 507 Node redundancy during HBFS: 0.000 Optimum: 5922482579 energy: 1078.430 prob: 4.404e-469 in 0 backtracks and 1 nodes ( 481 removals by DEE) and 2.093 seconds. end.
Download another MRF file
. Solve it by applying first an initial upper bound probing, and secondly, use a modified variable ordering heuristic based on VAC-integrality during search [Trosser2020a]:toulbar2 EXAMPLES/1CM1.uai.xz -A=1000 -vacint -rasps -vacthr
Read 37 variables, with 350 values at most, and 703 cost functions, with maximum arity 2. No evidence file specified. Trying EXAMPLES/1CM1.uai.evid No evidence file. Reverse original DAC dual bound: 103967050722 energy: -12488.257 (+0.000%) Cost function decomposition time : 0.001 seconds. Number of VAC iterations: 3936 Number of times is VAC: 316 Number of times isvac and itThreshold > 1: 310 Threshold: 2326140792 NbAssignedVar: 0 Ratio: 0.0000000 SumOfDomainSize: 1783 Threshold: 2320180664 NbAssignedVar: 0 Ratio: 0.0000000 SumOfDomainSize: 1775 Threshold: 21288438 NbAssignedVar: 16 Ratio: 0.0000000 SumOfDomainSize: 84 Threshold: 11824293 NbAssignedVar: 17 Ratio: 0.0000000 SumOfDomainSize: 65 Threshold: 8188677 NbAssignedVar: 18 Ratio: 0.0000001 SumOfDomainSize: 52 Threshold: 6858840 NbAssignedVar: 19 Ratio: 0.0000001 SumOfDomainSize: 46 Threshold: 6060563 NbAssignedVar: 20 Ratio: 0.0000001 SumOfDomainSize: 42 Threshold: 5504852 NbAssignedVar: 20 Ratio: 0.0000001 SumOfDomainSize: 42 Threshold: 3972364 NbAssignedVar: 21 Ratio: 0.0000001 SumOfDomainSize: 37 Threshold: 3655432 NbAssignedVar: 21 Ratio: 0.0000002 SumOfDomainSize: 37 Threshold: 3067826 NbAssignedVar: 21 Ratio: 0.0000002 SumOfDomainSize: 37 Threshold: 2174446 NbAssignedVar: 22 Ratio: 0.0000003 SumOfDomainSize: 35 Threshold: 1641827 NbAssignedVar: 22 Ratio: 0.0000004 SumOfDomainSize: 35 Threshold: 1374852 NbAssignedVar: 22 Ratio: 0.0000004 SumOfDomainSize: 35 Threshold: 206113 NbAssignedVar: 23 Ratio: 0.0000030 SumOfDomainSize: 31 Threshold: 103056 NbAssignedVar: 24 Ratio: 0.0000063 SumOfDomainSize: 29 Threshold: 51528 NbAssignedVar: 25 Ratio: 0.0000131 SumOfDomainSize: 27 Threshold: 25764 NbAssignedVar: 25 Ratio: 0.0000262 SumOfDomainSize: 26 Threshold: 12882 NbAssignedVar: 25 Ratio: 0.0000525 SumOfDomainSize: 26 Threshold: 6441 NbAssignedVar: 25 Ratio: 0.0001049 SumOfDomainSize: 26 Threshold: 3220 NbAssignedVar: 25 Ratio: 0.0002098 SumOfDomainSize: 26 Threshold: 1610 NbAssignedVar: 25 Ratio: 0.0004197 SumOfDomainSize: 26 Threshold: 805 NbAssignedVar: 25 Ratio: 0.0008393 SumOfDomainSize: 26 Threshold: 402 NbAssignedVar: 25 Ratio: 0.0016808 SumOfDomainSize: 26 Threshold: 201 NbAssignedVar: 25 Ratio: 0.0033616 SumOfDomainSize: 26 Threshold: 100 NbAssignedVar: 25 Ratio: 0.0067568 SumOfDomainSize: 26 Threshold: 50 NbAssignedVar: 25 Ratio: 0.0135135 SumOfDomainSize: 26 Threshold: 25 NbAssignedVar: 25 Ratio: 0.0270270 SumOfDomainSize: 26 Threshold: 12 NbAssignedVar: 25 Ratio: 0.0563063 SumOfDomainSize: 26 Threshold: 6 NbAssignedVar: 25 Ratio: 0.1126126 SumOfDomainSize: 26 Threshold: 3 NbAssignedVar: 25 Ratio: 0.2252252 SumOfDomainSize: 26 Threshold: 1 NbAssignedVar: 25 Ratio: 0.6756757 SumOfDomainSize: 26 RASPS/VAC threshold: 201 Preprocessing time: 42.878 seconds. 37 unassigned variables, 3387 values in all current domains (med. size:38, max size:322) and 627 non-unary cost functions (med. arity:2, med. degree:35) Initial lower and upper bounds: [103967050722, 239074058140] 56.513% New solution: 104206588507 energy: -12464.303 prob: inf (0 backtracks, 4 nodes, depth 7, 42.886 seconds) RASPS done in preprocessing at threshold 201 (backtrack: 2 nodes: 6) New solution: 104174015034 energy: -12467.560 prob: inf (2 backtracks, 9 nodes, depth 5, 42.910 seconds) Optimality gap: [104174015034, 104174015034] 0.000 % (4 backtracks, 11 nodes, 42.910 seconds) Number of VAC iterations: 4279 Number of times is VAC: 617 Number of times isvac and itThreshold > 1: 606 Node redundancy during HBFS: 0.000 Optimum: 104174015034 energy: -12467.560 prob: inf in 4 backtracks and 11 nodes ( 921 removals by DEE) and 42.911 seconds. end.
Download a weighted Max-SAT file
in wcnf format. Solve it using a modified variable ordering heuristic [Schiex2014a]:toulbar2 EXAMPLES/brock200_4.clq.wcnf.xz -m=1
c Read 200 variables, with 2 values at most, and 7011 clauses, with maximum arity 2. Reverse original DAC dual bound: 91 (+86.813%) Reverse original DAC dual bound: 92 (+1.087%) Cost function decomposition time : 0.000 seconds. Preprocessing time: 0.061 seconds. 200 unassigned variables, 400 values in all current domains (med. size:2, max size:2) and 6811 non-unary cost functions (med. arity:2, med. degree:68) Initial lower and upper bounds: [92, 200] 54.000% New solution: 189 (0 backtracks, 9 nodes, depth 11, 0.066 seconds) New solution: 188 (45 backtracks, 143 nodes, depth 37, 0.103 seconds) New solution: 187 (155 backtracks, 473 nodes, depth 47, 0.144 seconds) New solution: 186 (273 backtracks, 802 nodes, depth 37, 0.170 seconds) New solution: 185 (1870 backtracks, 4112 nodes, depth 63, 0.279 seconds) New solution: 184 (19563 backtracks, 41433 nodes, depth 19, 1.430 seconds) New solution: 183 (207409 backtracks, 459653 nodes, depth 12, 12.669 seconds) Node redundancy during HBFS: 25.824 Optimum: 183 in 268922 backtracks and 725087 nodes ( 8484 removals by DEE) and 20.814 seconds. end.
Download another WCSP file
. Count the number of feasible solutions:toulbar2 EXAMPLES/latin4.wcsp.xz -a
Read 16 variables, with 4 values at most, and 24 cost functions, with maximum arity 4. Reverse original DAC dual bound: 48 (+2.083%) Cost function decomposition time : 0.000 seconds. Preprocessing time: 0.008 seconds. 16 unassigned variables, 64 values in all current domains (med. size:4, max size:4) and 8 non-unary cost functions (med. arity:4, med. degree:6) Initial lower and upper bounds: [48, 1000] 95.200% Optimality gap: [49, 1000] 95.100 % (17 backtracks, 41 nodes, 0.024 seconds) Optimality gap: [58, 1000] 94.200 % (355 backtracks, 812 nodes, 0.175 seconds) Optimality gap: [72, 1000] 92.800 % (575 backtracks, 1309 nodes, 0.265 seconds) Optimality gap: [1000, 1000] 0.000 % (575 backtracks, 1318 nodes, 0.266 seconds) Number of solutions : = 576 Time : 0.266 seconds ... in 575 backtracks and 1318 nodes end.
Find a greedy sequence of at most 20 diverse solutions with Hamming distance greater than 12 between any pair of solutions:
toulbar2 EXAMPLES/latin4.wcsp.xz -a=20 -div=12
Read 16 variables, with 4 values at most, and 24 cost functions, with maximum arity 4. Reverse original DAC dual bound: 48 (+2.083%) Cost function decomposition time : 0.000 seconds. Preprocessing time: 0.018 seconds. 320 unassigned variables, 7968 values in all current domains (med. size:26, max size:26) and 8 non-unary cost functions (med. arity:4, med. degree:0) Initial lower and upper bounds: [48, 1000] 95.200% +++++++++ Search for solution 1 +++++++++ New solution: 49 (0 backtracks, 7 nodes, depth 10, 0.023 seconds) New solution: 48 (2 backtracks, 11 nodes, depth 3, 0.024 seconds) Node redundancy during HBFS: 18.182 Optimum: 48 in 2 backtracks and 11 nodes ( 0 removals by DEE) and 0.024 seconds. +++++++++ Search for solution 2 +++++++++ New solution: 67 (2 backtracks, 15 nodes, depth 7, 0.029 seconds) New solution: 65 (3 backtracks, 20 nodes, depth 9, 0.032 seconds) Optimality gap: [49, 65] 24.615 % (9 backtracks, 26 nodes, 0.035 seconds) New solution: 58 (9 backtracks, 31 nodes, depth 4, 0.038 seconds) Optimality gap: [50, 58] 13.793 % (10 backtracks, 32 nodes, 0.038 seconds) New solution: 52 (16 backtracks, 53 nodes, depth 4, 0.046 seconds) New solution: 51 (17 backtracks, 54 nodes, depth 3, 0.046 seconds) Optimality gap: [51, 51] 0.000 % (17 backtracks, 54 nodes, 0.046 seconds) Node redundancy during HBFS: 25.926 Optimum: 51 in 17 backtracks and 54 nodes ( 0 removals by DEE) and 0.046 seconds. +++++++++ Search for solution 3 +++++++++ +++++++++ predictive bounding: 57.000 Optimality gap: [51, 57] 10.526 % (36 backtracks, 92 nodes, 0.074 seconds) Optimality gap: [57, 57] 0.000 % (37 backtracks, 98 nodes, 0.078 seconds) Node redundancy during HBFS: 18.367 No solution in 37 backtracks and 98 nodes ( 1 removals by DEE) and 0.078 seconds. +++++++++ Search for solution 3 +++++++++ New solution: 64 (37 backtracks, 102 nodes, depth 7, 0.083 seconds) New solution: 57 (38 backtracks, 105 nodes, depth 7, 0.085 seconds) Optimality gap: [57, 57] 0.000 % (60 backtracks, 145 nodes, 0.111 seconds) Node redundancy during HBFS: 12.414 Optimum: 57 in 60 backtracks and 145 nodes ( 2 removals by DEE) and 0.111 seconds. +++++++++ Search for solution 4 +++++++++ +++++++++ predictive bounding: 69.000 New solution: 65 (66 backtracks, 159 nodes, depth 5, 0.121 seconds) New solution: 61 (80 backtracks, 188 nodes, depth 6, 0.137 seconds) New solution: 58 (96 backtracks, 219 nodes, depth 5, 0.156 seconds) Optimality gap: [58, 58] 0.000 % (110 backtracks, 245 nodes, 0.172 seconds) Node redundancy during HBFS: 7.347 Optimum: 58 in 110 backtracks and 245 nodes ( 9 removals by DEE) and 0.173 seconds. +++++++++ Search for solution 5 +++++++++ +++++++++ predictive bounding: 70.000 New solution: 62 (116 backtracks, 260 nodes, depth 6, 0.182 seconds) New solution: 58 (146 backtracks, 320 nodes, depth 6, 0.221 seconds) Node redundancy during HBFS: 5.625 Optimum: 58 in 146 backtracks and 320 nodes ( 11 removals by DEE) and 0.221 seconds. +++++++++ Search for solution 6 +++++++++ +++++++++ predictive bounding: 70.000 New solution: 65 (176 backtracks, 382 nodes, depth 5, 0.253 seconds) New solution: 62 (233 backtracks, 495 nodes, depth 4, 0.323 seconds) Optimality gap: [62, 62] 0.000 % (238 backtracks, 504 nodes, 0.331 seconds) Node redundancy during HBFS: 3.571 Optimum: 62 in 238 backtracks and 504 nodes ( 13 removals by DEE) and 0.331 seconds. +++++++++ Search for solution 7 +++++++++ +++++++++ predictive bounding: 74.000 c 2097152 Bytes allocated for long long stack. New solution: 68 (246 backtracks, 523 nodes, depth 6, 0.345 seconds) New solution: 65 (254 backtracks, 539 nodes, depth 6, 0.354 seconds) Optimality gap: [49, 65] 24.615 % (304 backtracks, 636 nodes, 0.416 seconds) Optimality gap: [58, 65] 10.769 % (324 backtracks, 682 nodes, 0.442 seconds) Optimality gap: [65, 65] 0.000 % (325 backtracks, 692 nodes, 0.444 seconds) Node redundancy during HBFS: 4.624 Optimum: 65 in 325 backtracks and 692 nodes ( 22 removals by DEE) and 0.444 seconds. +++++++++ Search for solution 8 +++++++++ +++++++++ predictive bounding: 77.000 Optimality gap: [49, 77] 36.364 % (380 backtracks, 835 nodes, 0.524 seconds) Optimality gap: [50, 77] 35.065 % (389 backtracks, 874 nodes, 0.538 seconds) Optimality gap: [51, 77] 33.766 % (392 backtracks, 887 nodes, 0.542 seconds) Optimality gap: [52, 77] 32.468 % (397 backtracks, 905 nodes, 0.547 seconds) New solution: 72 (403 backtracks, 923 nodes, depth 4, 0.555 seconds) Optimality gap: [53, 72] 26.389 % (407 backtracks, 930 nodes, 0.559 seconds) Optimality gap: [54, 72] 25.000 % (413 backtracks, 960 nodes, 0.567 seconds) Optimality gap: [57, 72] 20.833 % (419 backtracks, 977 nodes, 0.572 seconds) New solution: 71 (425 backtracks, 1004 nodes, depth 6, 0.582 seconds) New solution: 70 (427 backtracks, 1009 nodes, depth 7, 0.584 seconds) New solution: 65 (435 backtracks, 1022 nodes, depth 4, 0.591 seconds) Node redundancy during HBFS: 13.796 Optimum: 65 in 435 backtracks and 1022 nodes ( 34 removals by DEE) and 0.591 seconds. +++++++++ Search for solution 9 +++++++++ +++++++++ predictive bounding: 77.000 New solution: 73 (452 backtracks, 1059 nodes, depth 6, 0.614 seconds) New solution: 68 (472 backtracks, 1101 nodes, depth 8, 0.637 seconds) New solution: 66 (488 backtracks, 1130 nodes, depth 5, 0.652 seconds) Optimality gap: [66, 66] 0.000 % (537 backtracks, 1226 nodes, 0.713 seconds) Node redundancy during HBFS: 11.501 Optimum: 66 in 537 backtracks and 1226 nodes ( 51 removals by DEE) and 0.713 seconds. +++++++++ Search for solution 10 +++++++++ +++++++++ predictive bounding: 74.000 New solution: 70 (546 backtracks, 1248 nodes, depth 7, 0.729 seconds) New solution: 68 (560 backtracks, 1275 nodes, depth 6, 0.743 seconds) Optimality gap: [68, 68] 0.000 % (637 backtracks, 1426 nodes, 0.835 seconds) Node redundancy during HBFS: 9.888 Optimum: 68 in 637 backtracks and 1426 nodes ( 63 removals by DEE) and 0.835 seconds. +++++++++ Search for solution 11 +++++++++ +++++++++ predictive bounding: 76.000 New solution: 72 (638 backtracks, 1431 nodes, depth 6, 0.842 seconds) New solution: 71 (648 backtracks, 1453 nodes, depth 8, 0.855 seconds) New solution: 68 (703 backtracks, 1560 nodes, depth 5, 0.918 seconds) Node redundancy during HBFS: 9.038 Optimum: 68 in 703 backtracks and 1560 nodes ( 71 removals by DEE) and 0.918 seconds. +++++++++ Search for solution 12 +++++++++ +++++++++ predictive bounding: 76.000 New solution: 74 (740 backtracks, 1636 nodes, depth 5, 0.966 seconds) New solution: 72 (770 backtracks, 1696 nodes, depth 5, 1.002 seconds) New solution: 71 (781 backtracks, 1718 nodes, depth 5, 1.016 seconds) Optimality gap: [71, 71] 0.000 % (835 backtracks, 1824 nodes, 1.077 seconds) Node redundancy during HBFS: 7.730 Optimum: 71 in 835 backtracks and 1824 nodes ( 81 removals by DEE) and 1.077 seconds. +++++++++ Search for solution 13 +++++++++ +++++++++ predictive bounding: 77.000 c 4194304 Bytes allocated for long long stack. New solution: 76 (881 backtracks, 1919 nodes, depth 6, 1.144 seconds) New solution: 72 (950 backtracks, 2056 nodes, depth 5, 1.220 seconds) Optimality gap: [72, 72] 0.000 % (978 backtracks, 2110 nodes, 1.258 seconds) Node redundancy during HBFS: 6.682 Optimum: 72 in 978 backtracks and 2110 nodes ( 88 removals by DEE) and 1.258 seconds. +++++++++ Search for solution 14 +++++++++ +++++++++ predictive bounding: 78.000 New solution: 77 (1030 backtracks, 2217 nodes, depth 6, 1.321 seconds) New solution: 76 (1050 backtracks, 2256 nodes, depth 5, 1.345 seconds) New solution: 74 (1077 backtracks, 2312 nodes, depth 7, 1.384 seconds) Optimality gap: [74, 74] 0.000 % (1109 backtracks, 2372 nodes, 1.418 seconds) Node redundancy during HBFS: 5.944 Optimum: 74 in 1109 backtracks and 2372 nodes ( 103 removals by DEE) and 1.418 seconds. +++++++++ Search for solution 15 +++++++++ +++++++++ predictive bounding: 80.000 New solution: 79 (1109 backtracks, 2376 nodes, depth 7, 1.427 seconds) New solution: 78 (1163 backtracks, 2483 nodes, depth 6, 1.483 seconds) New solution: 76 (1204 backtracks, 2564 nodes, depth 5, 1.533 seconds) Optimality gap: [76, 76] 0.000 % (1248 backtracks, 2650 nodes, 1.588 seconds) Node redundancy during HBFS: 5.321 Optimum: 76 in 1248 backtracks and 2650 nodes ( 116 removals by DEE) and 1.588 seconds. +++++++++ Search for solution 16 +++++++++ +++++++++ predictive bounding: 82.000 New solution: 80 (1266 backtracks, 2688 nodes, depth 5, 1.615 seconds) New solution: 79 (1283 backtracks, 2722 nodes, depth 5, 1.636 seconds) New solution: 78 (1328 backtracks, 2813 nodes, depth 6, 1.691 seconds) Optimality gap: [78, 78] 0.000 % (1371 backtracks, 2896 nodes, 1.744 seconds) Node redundancy during HBFS: 4.869 Optimum: 78 in 1371 backtracks and 2896 nodes ( 128 removals by DEE) and 1.744 seconds. +++++++++ Search for solution 17 +++++++++ +++++++++ predictive bounding: 84.000 New solution: 80 (1371 backtracks, 2900 nodes, depth 7, 1.753 seconds) New solution: 79 (1413 backtracks, 2983 nodes, depth 6, 1.798 seconds) Optimality gap: [79, 79] 0.000 % (1482 backtracks, 3118 nodes, 1.883 seconds) Node redundancy during HBFS: 4.522 Optimum: 79 in 1482 backtracks and 3118 nodes ( 135 removals by DEE) and 1.883 seconds. +++++++++ Search for solution 18 +++++++++ +++++++++ predictive bounding: 85.000 New solution: 80 (1488 backtracks, 3133 nodes, depth 6, 1.898 seconds) Optimality gap: [59, 80] 26.250 % (1610 backtracks, 3374 nodes, 2.039 seconds) Optimality gap: [80, 80] 0.000 % (1621 backtracks, 3404 nodes, 2.057 seconds) Node redundancy during HBFS: 4.377 Optimum: 80 in 1621 backtracks and 3404 nodes ( 136 removals by DEE) and 2.057 seconds. +++++++++ Search for solution 19 +++++++++ +++++++++ predictive bounding: 84.000 New solution: 80 (1665 backtracks, 3496 nodes, depth 5, 2.122 seconds) Node redundancy during HBFS: 4.319 Optimum: 80 in 1665 backtracks and 3496 nodes ( 138 removals by DEE) and 2.122 seconds. +++++++++ Search for solution 20 +++++++++ +++++++++ predictive bounding: 84.000 Optimality gap: [49, 84] 41.667 % (1705 backtracks, 3586 nodes, 2.190 seconds) Optimality gap: [51, 84] 39.286 % (1708 backtracks, 3597 nodes, 2.198 seconds) Optimality gap: [52, 84] 38.095 % (1716 backtracks, 3640 nodes, 2.219 seconds) Optimality gap: [53, 84] 36.905 % (1717 backtracks, 3650 nodes, 2.222 seconds) Optimality gap: [54, 84] 35.714 % (1724 backtracks, 3687 nodes, 2.237 seconds) Optimality gap: [55, 84] 34.524 % (1725 backtracks, 3694 nodes, 2.242 seconds) Optimality gap: [56, 84] 33.333 % (1728 backtracks, 3715 nodes, 2.248 seconds) Optimality gap: [57, 84] 32.143 % (1733 backtracks, 3751 nodes, 2.260 seconds) Optimality gap: [58, 84] 30.952 % (1734 backtracks, 3760 nodes, 2.263 seconds) Optimality gap: [60, 84] 28.571 % (1745 backtracks, 3816 nodes, 2.288 seconds) Optimality gap: [61, 84] 27.381 % (1746 backtracks, 3824 nodes, 2.291 seconds) Optimality gap: [62, 84] 26.190 % (1747 backtracks, 3834 nodes, 2.293 seconds) Optimality gap: [63, 84] 25.000 % (1752 backtracks, 3866 nodes, 2.305 seconds) Optimality gap: [64, 84] 23.810 % (1753 backtracks, 3880 nodes, 2.308 seconds) Optimality gap: [65, 84] 22.619 % (1758 backtracks, 3908 nodes, 2.320 seconds) Optimality gap: [66, 84] 21.429 % (1761 backtracks, 3930 nodes, 2.324 seconds) Optimality gap: [67, 84] 20.238 % (1765 backtracks, 3961 nodes, 2.333 seconds) Optimality gap: [68, 84] 19.048 % (1767 backtracks, 3987 nodes, 2.336 seconds) Optimality gap: [71, 84] 15.476 % (1769 backtracks, 3999 nodes, 2.339 seconds) Optimality gap: [84, 84] 0.000 % (1770 backtracks, 4006 nodes, 2.341 seconds) Node redundancy during HBFS: 11.258 No solution in 1770 backtracks and 4006 nodes ( 141 removals by DEE) and 2.341 seconds. +++++++++ Search for solution 20 +++++++++ Optimality gap: [1000, 1000] 0.000 % (1863 backtracks, 4192 nodes, 2.479 seconds) Node redundancy during HBFS: 10.759 No solution in 1863 backtracks and 4192 nodes ( 146 removals by DEE) and 2.479 seconds. end.
Download a crisp CSP file
(initial upper bound equal to 1). Count the number of solutions using #BTD [Favier2009a] using a min-fill variable ordering (warning, cannot use BTD to find all solutions in optimization):toulbar2 EXAMPLES/GEOM40_6.wcsp.xz -O=-3 -a -B=1 -ub=1 -hbfs:
Read 40 variables, with 6 values at most, and 78 cost functions, with maximum arity 2. Cost function decomposition time : 1.3e-05 seconds. Preprocessing time: 0.001466 seconds. 40 unassigned variables, 240 values in all current domains (med. size:6, max size:6) and 78 non-unary cost functions (med. arity:2, med. degree:4) Initial lower and upper bounds: [0, 1] 100.000% Get root cluster C1 with max. size: 5 Tree decomposition width : 5 Tree decomposition height : 20 Number of clusters : 29 Tree decomposition time: 0.001 seconds. Number of solutions : = 411110802705928379432960 Number of #goods : 3993 Number of used #goods : 17190 Size of sep : 4 Time : 0.052 seconds ... in 13689 backtracks and 27378 nodes end.
Get a quick approximation of the number of solutions of a CSP with Approx#BTD [Favier2009a]:
toulbar2 EXAMPLES/GEOM40_6.wcsp.xz -O=-3 -a -B=1 -D -ub=1 -hbfs:
Read 40 variables, with 6 values at most, and 78 cost functions, with maximum arity 2. Cost function decomposition time : 9e-06 seconds. Preprocessing time: 0.001419 seconds. 40 unassigned variables, 240 values in all current domains (med. size:6, max size:6) and 78 non-unary cost functions (med. arity:2, med. degree:4) Initial lower and upper bounds: [0, 1] 100.000% part 1 : 40 variables and 71 constraints (really added) part 2 : 10 variables and 7 constraints (really added) --> number of parts : 2 --> time : 0.000 seconds. Get root cluster C22 with max. size: 5 Get root cluster C25 with max. size: 2 Get root cluster C30 with max. size: 2 Tree decomposition width : 5 Tree decomposition height : 17 Number of clusters : 33 Tree decomposition time: 0.001 seconds. Cartesian product : 13367494538843734031554962259968 Upper bound of number of solutions : <= 1719926784000000000000000 Number of solutions : ~= 480000000000000000000000 Number of #goods : 468 Number of used #goods : 4788 Size of sep : 3 Time : 0.011 seconds ... in 3738 backtracks and 7476 nodes end.
Command line options
If you just execute:
toulbar2 will give you its (long) list of optional parameters, that you can
see in part ‘Available options’ of :
ToulBar2 Help Message
To deactivate a default command line option, just use the command-line option
followed by :
. For example:
toulbar2 -dee: <file>
will disable the default Dead End Elimination [Givry2013a] (aka Soft Neighborhood Substitutability) preprocessing.
We now describe in more detail toulbar2 optional parameters.
General control
- -agap=[decimal]
stops search if the absolute optimality gap reduces below the given value (provides guaranteed approximation) (default value is 0)
- -rgap=[double]
stops search if the relative optimality gap reduces below the given value (provides guaranteed approximation) (default value is 0)
- -a=[integer]
finds at most a given number of solutions with a cost strictly lower than the initial upper bound and stops, or if no integer is given, finds all solutions (or counts the number of zero-cost satisfiable solutions in conjunction with BTD)
- -D
approximate satisfiable solution count with BTD
- -logz
computes log of probability of evidence (i.e. log partition function or log(Z) or PR task) for graphical models only (problem file extension .uai)
- -sigma=[float]
add a (truncated) random zero-centered gaussian noise for graphical models only (problem file extension .uai)
- -timer=[integer]
gives a CPU time limit in seconds. toulbar2 will stop after the specified CPU time has been consumed. The time limit is a CPU user time limit, not wall clock time limit.
- -bt=[integer]
gives a limit on the number of backtracks (\(9223372036854775807\) by default)
- -seed=[integer]
random seed non-negative value or use current time if a negative value is given (default value is 1)
- -x=[(,i[\(=\#<>\)]a)*]
performs an elementary operation (’\(=\)’:assign, ‘\(\#\)’:remove, ‘\(<\)’:decrease, ‘\(>\)’:increase) with value a on variable of index i (multiple operations are separated by a comma and no space) (without any argument, it assumes a complete assignment – used as initial upper bound and as value heuristic – is read from default file “sol”, or, without the option -x, given as input filename with “.sol” extension)
- -nopre
deactivates all preprocessing options (equivalent to -e: -p: -t: -f: -dec: -n: -mst: -dee: -trws:)
- -p=[integer]
preprocessing only: general variable elimination of degree less than or equal to the given value (default value is -1)
- -t=[integer]
preprocessing only: simulates restricted path consistency by adding ternary cost functions on triangles of binary cost functions within a given maximum space limit (in MB)
- -f=[integer]
preprocessing only: variable elimination of functional (f=1, or f=3 to do it before and after PWC) (resp. bijective (f=2)) variables (default value is 1)
- -dec
preprocessing only: pairwise decomposition [Favier2011a] of cost functions with arity \(>=3\) into smaller arity cost functions (default option)
- -n=[integer]
preprocessing only: projects n-ary cost functions on all binary cost functions if n is lower than the given value (default value is 10). See [Favier2011a].
- -amo
automatically detects at-most-one constraints and adds them to existing knapsack constraints (positive value) and/or directly in the cost function network up to a given absolute number (non-zero value except -1)
- -mst
find a maximum spanning tree ordering for DAC
- -S=[integer]
preprocessing only: performs singleton consistency restricted to the first variables following the DAC ordering (or all the variables if no parameter is given).
- -M=[integer]
preprocessing only: apply the Min Sum Diffusion algorithm (default is inactivated, with a number of iterations of 0). See [Cooper2010a].
- -trws=[float]
preprocessing only: enforces TRW-S until a given precision is reached (default value is 0.001). See Kolmogorov 2006.
- --trws-order
replaces DAC order by Kolmogorov’s TRW-S order.
- –trws-n-iters=[integer]
enforce at most N iterations of TRW-S (default value is 1000).
- –trws-n-iters-no-change=[integer]
stop TRW-S when N iterations did not change the lower bound up the given precision (default value is 5, -1=never).
- –trws-n-iters-compute-ub=[integer]
compute a basic upper bound every N steps during TRW-S (default value is 100)
- -hve=[integer]
hidden variable encoding with a given limit to the maximum domain size of hidden variables (default value is 0) A negative size limit means restoring the original encoding after preprocessing while keeping the improved dual bound. See also option -n to limit the maximum arity of dualized n-ary cost functions.
- -pwc=[integer]
pairwise consistency by hidden variable encoding plus intersection constraints, each one bounded by a given maximum space limit (in MB) (default value is 0) A negative size limit means restoring the original encoding after preprocessing while keeping the improved dual bound. See also options -minqual, -hve to limit the domain size of hidden variables, and -n to limit the maximum arity of dualized n-ary cost functions.
- -minqual
finds a minimal intersection constraint graph to achieve pairwise consistency (combine with option -pwc) (default option)
Initial upper bounding
- -l=[integer]
limited discrepancy search [Ginsberg1995], use a negative value to stop the search after the given absolute number of discrepancies has been explored (discrepancy bound = 4 by default)
- -L=[integer]
randomized (quasi-random variable ordering) search with restart (maximum number of nodes/VNS restarts = 10000 by default)
- -i=[“string”]
initial upper bound found by INCOP local search solver [idwalk:cp04]. The string parameter is optional, using “0 1 3 idwa 100000 cv v 0 200 1 0 0” by default with the following meaning: stoppinglowerbound randomseed nbiterations method nbmoves neighborhoodchoice neighborhoodchoice2 minnbneighbors maxnbneighbors neighborhoodchoice3 autotuning tracemode.
- -pils=[“string”]
initial upper bound found by PILS local search solver. The string parameter is optional, using “3 0 0.333 100 500 10000 0.1 0.5 0.1 0.1” by default with the following meaning: nbruns perturb_mode perturb_strength flatMaxIter nbEvalHC nbEvalMax strengthMin strengthMax incrFactor decrFactor.
- -lrbcd=[“string”]
initial upperbound found by LR-BCD local search solver. The string parameter is optional, using “5 -2 3” by default with the following meaning: maxiter rank nbroundings. (a negative rank means dividing the theoretical rank by the given absolute value)
- -x=[(,i[\(=\#<>\)]a)*]
performs an elementary operation (’\(=\)’:assign, ‘\(\#\)’:remove, ‘\(<\)’:decrease, ‘\(>\)’:increase) with value a on variable of index i (multiple operations are separated by a comma and no space) (without any argument, a complete assignment – used as initial upper bound and as a value heuristic – read from default file “sol” taken as a certificate or given directly as an additional input filename with “.sol” extension and without -x)
- -ub=[decimal]
gives an initial upper bound
- -rasps=[integer]
VAC-based upper bound probing heuristic (0: disable, >0: max. nb. of backtracks, 1000 if no integer given) (default value is 0)
- -raspslds=[integer]
VAC-based upper bound probing heuristic using LDS instead of DFS (0: DFS, >0: max. discrepancy) (default value is 0)
- -raspsdeg=[integer]
automatic threshold cost value selection for probing heuristic (default value is 10 degrees)
- -raspsini
reset weighted degree variable ordering heuristic after doing upper bound probing
Tree search algorithms and tree decomposition selection
- -hbfs=[integer]
hybrid best-first search [Katsirelos2015a], restarting from the root after a given number of backtracks (default value is 16384) (usage for parallel version: “mpirun -n [NbOfProcess] toulbar2 -hbfs problem.wcsp”)
- -hbfsmin=[integer]
hybrid best-first search compromise between BFS and DFS minimum node redundancy threshold (alpha percentage, default value is 5%)
- -hbfsmax=[integer]
hybrid best-first search compromise between BFS and DFS maximum node redundancy threshold (beta percentage default value is 10%)
- -open=[integer]
hybrid best-first search limit on the number of stored open nodes (default value is -1, i.e., no limit)
- -sopen=[integer]
number of visited open nodes before sorting the remaining open nodes based on weighted degree heuristics (double this limit for the next sorting) (see also option -q) (default value is 0, i.e., no sorting)
- -burst
in parallel HBFS, workers send their solutions and open nodes as soon as possible (by default) For using a parallel version of HBFS, after compiling with MPI option (cmake -DMPI=ON .) use “mpirun -n [NbOfProcess] toulbar2 problem.wcsp”
- -eps=[integer|filename]
Embarrassingly parallel search mode. It outputs a given number of open nodes in -x format and exit (default value is 0). See ./misc/script/ to run them. Use this option twice to specify the output filename.
- -B=[integer]
(0) HBFS, (1) BTD-HBFS [Schiex2006a] [Katsirelos2015a], (2) RDS-BTD [Sanchez2009a], (3) RDS-BTD with path decomposition instead of tree decomposition [Sanchez2009a] (default value is 0)
- -O=[filename]
reads either a reverse variable elimination order (given by a list of variable indexes) from a file in order to build a tree decomposition (if BTD-like and/or variable elimination methods are used) or reads a valid tree decomposition directly (given by a list of clusters in topological order of a rooted forest, each line contains a cluster number, followed by a cluster parent number with -1 for the first/root(s) cluster(s), followed by a list of variable indexes). It is also used as a DAC ordering.
- -O=[negative integer]
build a tree decomposition (if BTD-like and/or variable elimination methods are used) and also a compatible DAC ordering using
(-1) maximum cardinality search ordering,
(-2) minimum degree ordering,
(-3) minimum fill-in ordering,
(-4) maximum spanning tree ordering (see -mst),
(-5) reverse Cuthill-Mckee ordering,
(-6) approximate minimum degree ordering,
(-7) default file ordering
(-8) lexicographic ordering of variable names
(-9) topological ordering (for Bayesian networks only)
If not specified, then use the variable order in which variables appear in the problem file.
- -root=[integer]
root cluster heuristic (0:largest, 1:max. size/(height-size), 2:min. size/(height-size), 3:min. height) (default value is 0)
- -minheight
minimizes cluster tree height when searching for the root cluster (can be slow to perform)
- -j=[integer]
splits large clusters into a chain of smaller embedded clusters with a number of proper variables less than this number (use options “-B=3 -j=1 -svo -k=1” for pure RDS, use value 0 for no splitting) (default value is 0).
- -r=[integer]
limit on the maximum cluster separator size (merge cluster with its father otherwise, use a negative value for no limit) (default value is -1)
- -X=[integer]
limit on the minimum number of proper variables in a cluster (merge cluster with its father otherwise, use a zero for no limit) (default value is 0)
- -E=[float]
merges leaf clusters with their fathers if small local treewidth (in conjunction with option “-e” and positive threshold value) or ratio of number of separator variables by number of cluster variables above a given threshold (in conjunction with option -vns) (default value is 0)
- -F=[integer]
merges clusters automatically to give more freedom to variable ordering heuristic in BTD-HBFS (-1: no merging, positive value: maximum iteration value for trying to solve the same subtree given its separator assignment before considering it as unmerged) (default value is -1)
- -R=[integer]
choice for a specific root cluster number
- -I=[integer]
choice for solving only a particular rooted cluster subtree (with RDS-BTD only)
Variable neighborhood search algorithms
- -vns
unified decomposition guided variable neighborhood search [Ouali2017] (UDGVNS). A problem decomposition into clusters can be given as *.dec, *.cov, or *.order input files or using tree decomposition options such as -O. For a parallel version (UPDGVNS), use “mpirun -n [NbOfProcess] toulbar2 -vns problem.wcsp”. For doing large neighborhood search (LNS) instead of VNS, and bounded backtrack search instead of LDS, use e.g., “toulbar2 -vns -l: -bt=1000 -kmin=50 -kmax=50 -L=100 problem.wcsp”, for exploring 100 random neighborhoods of size 50 variables with at most 1000 backtracks per neighborhood search.
- -vnsini=[integer]
initial solution for VNS-like methods found: (-1) at random, (-2) min domain values, (-3) max domain values, (-4) first solution found by a complete method, (k=0 or more) tree search with k discrepancy max (-4 by default)
- -ldsmin=[integer]
minimum discrepancy for VNS-like methods (1 by default)
- -ldsmax=[integer]
maximum discrepancy for VNS-like methods (number of problem variables multiplied by maximum domain size -1 by default)
- -ldsinc=[integer]
discrepancy increment strategy for VNS-like methods using (1) Add1, (2) Mult2, (3) Luby operator (2 by default)
- -kmin=[integer]
minimum neighborhood size for VNS-like methods (4 by default)
- -kmax=[integer]
maximum neighborhood size for VNS-like methods (number of problem variables by default)
- -kinc=[integer]
neighborhood size increment strategy for VNS-like methods using: (1) Add1, (2) Mult2, (3) Luby operator (4) Add1/Jump (4 by default)
- -best=[integer]
stop DFBB and VNS-like methods if a better solution is found (default value is 0)
Node processing & bounding options
- -e=[integer]
performs “on the fly” variable elimination of variable with small degree (less than or equal to a specified value, default is 3 creating a maximum of ternary cost functions). See [Larrosa2000].
- -k=[integer]
soft local consistency level (NC [Larrosa2002] with Strong NIC for global cost functions=0 [LL2009], (G)AC=1 [Schiex2000b] [Larrosa2002], D(G)AC=2 [CooperFCSP], FD(G)AC=3 [Larrosa2003], (weak) ED(G)AC=4 [Heras2005] [LL2010]) (default value is 4). See also [Cooper2010a] [LL2012asa].
- -A=[integer]
enforces VAC [Cooper2008] at each search node with a search depth less than a given value (default value is 0)
- -V
VAC-based value ordering heuristic (default option)
- -T=[decimal]
threshold cost value for VAC (any decimal cost below this threshold is considered as null by VAC thus speeding-up its convergence, default value is 1, except for the cfn format where it is equal to the decimal cost precision, e.g. 0.001 if 3 digits of precision)
- -P=[decimal]
threshold cost value for VAC during the preprocessing phase only (default value is 1, except for the cfn format where it is equal to the decimal cost precision, e.g. 0.001 if 3 digits of precision)
- -C=[float]
multiplies all costs internally by this number when loading the problem (cannot be done with cfn format and probabilistic graphical models in uai/LG formats) (default value is 1)
- -vaclin
VAC applied on linear constraints (must be combined with option -A)
- -vacthr
automatic threshold cost value selection for VAC during search (must be combined with option -A)
- -dee=[integer]
restricted dead-end elimination [Givry2013a] (value pruning by dominance rule from EAC value (dee \(>=1\) and dee \(<=3\) )) and soft neighborhood substitutability (in preprocessing (dee=2 or dee=4) or during search (dee=3)) (default value is 1)
- -o
ensures an optimal worst-case time complexity of DAC and EAC (can be slower in practice)
- -kpdp=[integer]
solves knapsack constraints using dynamic programming (-2: never, -1: only in preprocessing, 0: at every search node, >0: after a given number of nodes) (default value is -2)
Branching, variable and value ordering
- -svo
searches using a static variable ordering heuristic. The variable order value used will be the same order as the DAC order.
- -b
searches using binary branching (by default) instead of n-ary branching. Uses binary branching for interval domains and small domains and dichotomic branching for large enumerated domains (see option -d).
- -c
searches using binary branching with last conflict backjumping variable ordering heuristic [Lecoutre2009].
- -q=[integer]
use weighted degree variable ordering heuristic [boussemart2004] if the number of cost functions is less than the given value (default value is 1000000). A negative number will disconnect weighted degrees in embedded WeightedCSP constraints.
- -var=[integer]
searches by branching only on the first [given value] decision variables, assuming the remaining variables are intermediate variables that will be completely assigned by the decision variables (use a zero if all variables are decision variables, default value is 0)
- -m=[integer]
use a variable ordering heuristic that selects first variables such that the sum of the mean (m=1) or median (m=2) cost of all incident cost functions is maximum [Schiex2014a] (in conjunction with weighted degree heuristic -q) (default value is 0: unused).
- -d=[integer]
searches using dichotomic branching. The default d=1 splits domains in the middle of domain range while d=2 splits domains in the middle of the sorted domain based on unary costs.
- -sortd
sorts domains in preprocessing based on increasing unary costs (works only for binary WCSPs).
- -sortc
sorts constraints in preprocessing based on lexicographic ordering (1), decreasing DAC ordering (2 - default option), decreasing constraint tightness (3), DAC then tightness (4), tightness then DAC (5), randomly (6), DAC with special knapsack order (7), increasing arity (8), increasing arity then DAC (9), or the opposite order if using a negative value.
- -solr
solution-based phase saving (reuse last found solution as preferred value assignment in the value ordering heuristic) (default option).
- -vacint
VAC-integrality/Full-EAC variable ordering heuristic (can be combined with option -A)
- -bisupport=[float]
in bi-objective optimization with the second objective encapsulated by a bounding constraint (see WeightedCSPConstraint), the value heuristic chooses between both EAC supports of first (main) and second objectives by minimum weighted regret (if parameter is non-negative, it is used as the weight for the second objective) or always chooses the EAC support of the first objective (if parameter is zero) or always chooses the second objective (if parameter is negative, -1: for choosing EAC from the lower bound constraint, -2: from the upper bound constraint, -3: to favor the smallest gap, -4: to favor the largest gap) (default value is 0)
Diverse solutions
toulbar2 can search for a greedy sequence of diverse solutions with guaranteed local optimality and minimum pairwise Hamming distance [Ruffini2019a].
- -div=[integer]
minimum Hamming distance between diverse solutions (use in conjunction with -a=integer with a limit of 1000 solutions) (default value is 0)
- -divm=[integer]
diversity encoding method (0:Dual, 1:Hidden, 2:Ternary, 3:Knapsack) (default value is 3)
- -mdd=[integer]
maximum relaxed MDD width for diverse solution global constraint (default value is 0)
- -mddh=[integer]
MDD relaxation heuristic: 0: random, 1: high div, 2: small div, 3: high unary costs (default value is 0)
Console output
- -help
shows the default help message that toulbar2 prints when it gets no argument.
- -v=[integer]
sets the verbosity level (default 0).
- -Z=[integer]
debug mode (save problem at each node if verbosity option -v=num \(>= 1\) and -Z=num \(>=3\))
- -s=[integer]
shows each solution found during search. The solution is printed on one line, giving by default (-s=1) the value (integer) of each variable successively in increasing file order. For -s=2, the value name is used instead, and for -s=3, variable name=value name is printed instead.
File output
- -w=[filename]
writes last/all solutions found in the specified filename (or “sol” if no parameter is given). The current directory is used as a relative path.
- -w=[integer]
1: writes value numbers, 2: writes value names, 3: writes also variable names (default value is 1, this option can be used in combination with -w=filename).
- -z=[filename]
saves problem in wcsp or cfn format in filename (or “problem.wcsp”/”problem.cfn” if no parameter is given) writes also the graphviz dot file and the degree distribution of the input problem
- -z=[integer]
1 or 3: saves original instance in 1-wcsp or 3-cfn format (1 by default), 2 or 4: saves after preprocessing in 2-wcsp or 4-cfn format, -2 or -4: saves after preprocessing but keeps initial domains (this option can be used in combination with -z=filename). If the problem is saved after preprocessing (except for -2 or -4), some variables may be lost (due to variable elimination, see -e or -p or -f).
Probability representation and numerical control
- -precision=[integer]
probability/real precision is a conversion factor (a power of ten) for representing fixed point numbers (default value is 7). It is used by CFN/UAI/LP/QPBO/OPB/Pedigree formats. Note that in CFN format the number of significant digits is given in the problem description by default. This option allows to overwrite this default value.
- -epsilon=[float]
approximation factor for computing the partition function (if greater than 1, default value is infinity) or floating-point precision (if smaller than 1, default value is 1e-9)
Note that in CFN format, costs are given as decimal numbers (the same for giving an initial upper bound, an absolute optimality gap or VAC threshold values) whereas in WCSP format costs are non-negative integers only.
Random problem generation
- -random=[bench profile]
bench profile must be specified as follows.
n and d are respectively the number of variable and the maximum domain size of the random problem.
t1 is the tightness in percentage % of random binary cost functions
p2 is the number of binary cost functions to include
the seed parameter is optional
binsub-{n}-{d}-{t1}-{p2}-{p3}-{seed} binary random & submodular cost functions
t1 is the tightness in percentage % of random cost functions
p2 is the number of binary cost functions to include
p3 is the percentage % of submodular cost functions among p2 cost functions (plus 10 permutations of two randomly-chosen values for each domain)
p3 is the number of ternary cost functions
pn is the number of n-ary cost functions
wcolor-{n}-{d}-0-{p2}-{seed} random weighted graph coloring problem
p2 is the number of edges in the graph
vertexcover-{n}-{d}-{t1}-{p2}-{maxcost}-{seed} random vertex cover problem
t1 is the tightness (should be equal to 25)
p2 is the number of edges in the graph
maxcost each vertex has a weight randomly chosen between 0 and maxcost
bivertexcover-{n}-{d}-{t1}-{p2}-{maxcost}-{ub2}-{seed} random bi-objective vertex cover problem
t1 is the tightness (should be equal to 25)
p2 is the number of edges in the graph
maxcost each vertex has two weights, both randomly chosen between 0 and maxcost
ub2 upper bound for the bounding constraint on the second objective (see epsilon-constraint method)
pn is the number of salldiff global cost functions (p2 and p3 still being used for the number of random binary and ternary cost functions). salldiff can be replaced by gcc or regular keywords with three possible forms (e.g., sgcc, sgccdp, wgcc) and by knapsack.
Input formats
The available file formats (possibly compressed by gzip or bzip2 or xz, e.g., .cfn.gz, .wcsp.xz, .opb.bz2) are :
Cost Function Network format (.cfn file extension)
Weighted Constraint Satisfaction Problem (.wcsp file extension)
Probabilistic Graphical Model (.uai / .LG file extension ; the file format .LG is identical to .UAI except that we expect log-potentials)
Weighted Partial Max-SAT (.cnf/.wcnf file extension)
Quadratic Unconstrained Pseudo-Boolean Optimization (.qpbo file extension)
Integer Linear Programming (.lp file extension)
Constraint Satisfaction and Optimization Problem (.xml file extension)
Some examples :
A simple 2 variables maximization problem maximization.cfn in JSON-compatible CFN format, with decimal positive and negative costs.
Random binary cost function network
, with a specific variable orderingexample.order
, a tree decompositionexample.cov
, and a cluster decompositionexample.dec
Latin square 4x4 with random costs on each variable
Radio link frequency assignment CELAR instances
Earth observation satellite management SPOT5 instances
with associated tree/cluster decompositions404.cov
Linkage analysis instance
Computer vision superpixel-based image segmentation instance
Protein folding instance
Max-clique DIMACS instance
Graph 6-coloring instance
Many more instances available evalgm and Cost Function Library.
Notice that by default toulbar2 distinguishes file formats based on their extension.
It is possible to read a file from a unix pipe using option -stdin=[format]
; e.g., cat example.wcsp | toulbar2 --stdin=wcsp
It is also possible to read and combine multiple problem files (warning, they must be all in the same format, either wcsp, cfn, or xml). Variables with the same name are merged (domains must be identical), otherwise the merge is based on variable indexes (wcsp format). Warning, it uses the minimum of all initial upper bounds read from the problem files as the initial upper bound of the merged problem.
Formats details
- cfn format (.cfn, .cfn.gz, .cfn.bz2, and .cfn.xz file extension)
- wcsp format (.wcsp file extension)
- UAI and LG formats (.uai, .LG)
- Partial Weighted MaxSAT format
- QPBO format (.qpbo)
- OPB format (.opb)
- WBO format (.wbo)
- CPLEX format (.lp)
- XCSP2.1 format (.xml)
- XCSP3 format (.xml)
- Linkage format (.pre)
How do I use it ?
Using it as a C++ library
See toulbar2 Reference Manual which describes the C++ library API.
Using it from Python
A Python interface is now available. Compile toulbar2 with cmake option PYTB2 (and without MPI options) to generate a Python module pytoulbar2 (in lib directory). See examples in src/pytoulbar2.cpp
and web/TUTORIALS directory.
An older version of toulbar2 was integrated inside Numberjack. See
A Beldjilali, P Montalbano, D Allouche, G Katsirelos and S de Givry. Parallel Hybrid Best-First Search. In Proc. of CP-22, Haifa, Israel, 2022.
Céline Brouard and Simon de Givry and Thomas Schiex. Pushing Data in CP Models Using Graphical Model Learning and Solving. In Proc. of CP-20, Louvain-la-neuve, Belgium, 2020.
Fulya Trösser, Simon de Givry and George Katsirelos. Relaxation-Aware Heuristics for Exact Optimization in Graphical Models. In Proc.of CP-AI-OR’2020, Vienna, Austria, 2020.
M. Ruffini, J. Vucinic, S. de Givry, G. Katsirelos, S. Barbe and T. Schiex. Guaranteed Diversity & Quality for the Weighted CSP. In Proc. of ICTAI-19, pages 18-25, Portland, OR, USA, 2019.
Abdelkader Ouali, David Allouche, Simon de Givry, Samir Loudni, Yahia Lebbah, Francisco Eckhardt, Lakhdar Loukil. Iterative Decomposition Guided Variable Neighborhood Search for Graphical Model Energy Minimization. In Proc. of UAI-17, pages 550-559, Sydney, Australia, 2017.
David Allouche, Christian Bessière, Patrice Boizumault, Simon de Givry, Patricia Gutierrez, Jimmy H.M. Lee, Ka Lun Leung, Samir Loudni, Jean-Philippe Métivier, Thomas Schiex and Yi Wu. Tractability-preserving transformations of global cost functions. Artificial Intelligence, 238:166-189, 2016.
B Hurley, B O’Sullivan, D Allouche, G Katsirelos, T Schiex, M Zytnicki and S de Givry. Multi-Language Evaluation of Exact Solvers in Graphical Model Discrete Optimization. Constraints, 21(3):413-434, 2016. Presentation at CPAIOR’16, Banff, Canada,
D Allouche, S de Givry, G Katsirelos, T Schiex and M Zytnicki. Anytime Hybrid Best-First Search with Tree Decomposition for Weighted CSP. In Proc. of CP-15, pages 12-28, Cork, Ireland, 2015.
David Allouche, Jessica Davies, Simon de Givry, George Katsirelos, Thomas Schiex, Seydou Traoré, Isabelle André, Sophie Barbe, Steve Prestwich and Barry O’Sullivan. Computational Protein Design as an Optimization Problem. Artificial Intelligence, 212:59-79, 2014.
S de Givry, S Prestwich and B O’Sullivan. Dead-End Elimination for Weighted CSP. In Proc. of CP-13, pages 263-272, Uppsala, Sweden, 2013.
D Allouche, C Bessiere, P Boizumault, S de Givry, P Gutierrez, S Loudni, JP Métivier and T Schiex. Decomposing Global Cost Functions. In Proc. of AAAI-12, Toronto, Canada, 2012. (poster).
A Favier, S de Givry, A Legarra and T Schiex. Pairwise decomposition for combinatorial optimization in graphical models. In Proc. of IJCAI-11, Barcelona, Spain, 2011. Video demonstration at
M. Cooper, S. de Givry, M. Sanchez, T. Schiex, M. Zytnicki and T. Werner. Soft arc consistency revisited. Artificial Intelligence, 174(7-8):449-478, 2010.
A. Favier, S. de Givry and P. Jégou. Exploiting Problem Structure for Solution Counting. In Proc. of CP-09, pages 335-343, Lisbon, Portugal, 2009.
M Sanchez, D Allouche, S de Givry and T Schiex. Russian Doll Search with Tree Decomposition. In Proc. of IJCAI’09, Pasadena (CA), USA, 2009.
M. Cooper, S. de Givry, M. Sanchez, T. Schiex and M. Zytnicki. Virtual Arc Consistency for Weighted CSP. In Proc. of AAAI-08, Chicago, IL, 2008.
S. de Givry, T. Schiex and G. Verfaillie. Exploiting Tree Decomposition and Soft Local Consistency in Weighted CSP. In Proc. of AAAI-06, Boston, MA, 2006. (slides).
S. de Givry, M. Zytnicki, F. Heras and J. Larrosa. Existential arc consistency: Getting closer to full arc consistency in weighted CSPs. In Proc. of IJCAI-05, pages 84-89, Edinburgh, Scotland, 2005.
J. Larrosa. Boosting search with variable elimination. In Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming - CP 2000, volume 1894 of LNCS, pages 291-305, Singapore, September 2000.
D Koller and N Friedman. Probabilistic graphical models: principles and techniques. The MIT Press, 2009.
W. D. Harvey and M. L. Ginsberg. Limited Discrepency Search. In Proc. of IJCAI-95, Montréal, Canada, 1995.
C. Lecoutre, L. Saïs, S. Tabary and V. Vidal. Reasoning from last conflict(s) in constraint programming. Artificial Intelligence, 173:1592,1614, 2009.
Frédéric Boussemart, Fred Hemery, Christophe Lecoutre and Lakhdar Sais. Boosting systematic search by weighting constraints. In ECAI, volume 16, page 146, 2004.
Bertrand Neveu, Gilles Trombettoni and Fred Glover. ID Walk: A Candidate List Strategy with a Simple Diversification Device. In Proc. of CP, pages 423-437, Toronto, Canada, 2004.
G. Verfaillie, M. Lemaître and T. Schiex. Russian Doll Search. In Proc. of AAAI-96, pages 181-187, Portland, OR, 1996.
J. H. M. Lee and K. L. Leung. Towards Efficient Consistency Enforcement for Global Constraints in Weighted Constraint Satisfaction. In Proceedings of IJCAI’09, pages 559-565, 2009.
J. H. M. Lee and K. L. Leung. A Stronger Consistency for Soft Global Constraints in Weighted Constraint Satisfaction. In Proceedings of AAAI’10, pages 121-127, 2010.
J. H. M. Lee and K. L. Leung. Consistency Techniques for Global Cost Functions in Weighted Constraint Satisfaction. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 43:257-292, 2012.
J. Larrosa. On Arc and Node Consistency in weighted {CSP}. In Proc. AAAI’02, pages 48-53, Edmondton, (CA), 2002.
J. Larrosa and T. Schiex. In the quest of the best form of local consistency for Weighted CSP. In Proc. of the 18th IJCAI, pages 239-244, Acapulco, Mexico, August 2003.
T. Schiex. Arc consistency for soft constraints. In Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming - CP 2000, volume 1894 of LNCS, pages 411-424, Singapore, September 2000.
M.C. Cooper. Reduction operations in fuzzy or valued constraint satisfaction. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 134(3):311-342, 2003.