Mendelian error detection problem

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Brief description

The problem is to detect marker genotyping incompatibilities (Mendelian errors) in complex pedigrees. The input is a pedigree data with partial observed genotyping data at a single locus, we assume the pedigree to be exact, but not the genotyping data. The problem is to assign genotypes (unordered pairs of alleles) to all individuals such that they are compatible with the Mendelian law of heredity (one allele is the same as their father’s and one as their mother’s). The goal is to maximize the number of matching alleles between the genotyping data and the solution. Each difference from the genotyping data has a cost of 1.

Sanchez, M., de Givry, S. and Schiex, T. Constraints (2008) 13:130.

CFN model

We create N variables, one for each individual genotype with domain being all possible unordered pairs of existing alleles. Hard ternary cost functions express mendelian law of heredity (one allele is the same as their father’s and one as their mother’s, with mother and father defined in the pedigree data). For each genotyping data, we create one unary soft constraint with violation cost equal to 1 to represent the matching between the genotyping data and the solution.


Original data files can be download from the cost function library pedigree. Their format is described here. You can try a small example simple.pre (simple.pre) with optimum value equal to 1.

Python model

The following code solves the corresponding cost function network using the pytoulbar2 library (e.g. “python3 simple.pre”).

import sys
import pytoulbar2

class Data:
	def __init__(self, ped): = list()
		self.father = {}
		self.mother = {}
		self.allelesId = {}
		self.ListAlle = list()
		self.obs = 0

		stream = open(ped)
		for line in stream:
			(locus, id, father, mother, sex, allele1, allele2) = line.split()[:]
			self.father[int(id)] = int(father)
			self.mother[int(id)] = int(mother)
			self.allelesId[int(id)] = (int(allele1), int(allele2)) if int(allele1) < int(allele2) else (int(allele2), int(allele1))
			if not(int(allele1) in self.ListAlle) and int(allele1) != 0:
			if int(allele2) != 0 and not(int(allele2) in self.ListAlle):
			if int(allele1) != 0 or int(allele2) != 0:
				self.obs += 1

#collect data
data = Data(sys.argv[1])
top = int(data.obs+1)

Problem = pytoulbar2.CFN(top)

#create a variable for each individual
for i in
	domains = []
	for a1 in data.ListAlle:
		for a2 in data.ListAlle:
			if a1 <= a2:
	Problem.AddVariable('g' + str(i) , domains)

#create the constraints that represent the mendel's laws
ListConstraintsMendelLaw = []
for p1 in data.ListAlle:
	for p2 in data.ListAlle:
		if p1 <= p2:	# father alleles
			for m1 in data.ListAlle:
				for m2 in data.ListAlle:
					if m1 <= m2:	# mother alleles
						for a1 in data.ListAlle:
							for a2 in data.ListAlle:
								if a1 <= a2:	# child alleles
									if (a1 in (p1,p2) and a2 in (m1,m2)) or (a2 in (p1,p2) and a1 in (m1,m2)) :
									else :

for i in
	#ternary constraints representing mendel's laws
	if data.father.get(i, 0) != 0 and data.mother.get(i, 0) != 0:
		Problem.AddFunction(['g' + str(data.father[i]),'g' + str( data.mother[i]), 'g' + str(i)], ListConstraintsMendelLaw)
	#unary constraints linked to the observations
	if data.allelesId[i][0] != 0 and data.allelesId[i][1] != 0:
		ListConstraintsObservation = []
		for a1 in data.ListAlle:
			for a2 in data.ListAlle:
				if a1 <= a2:
					if (a1,a2) == data.allelesId[i]:
					else :
		Problem.AddFunction(['g' + str(i)], ListConstraintsObservation)

res = Problem.Solve(showSolutions=3)
if res:
	print('There are',int(res[1]),'difference(s) between the solution and the observation.')
	print('No solution found')