Radio link frequency assignment problem
Brief description
The problem consists in assigning frequencies to radio communication links in such a way that no interferences occur. Domains are set of integers (non-necessarily consecutive).
Two types of constraints occur:
(I) the absolute difference between two frequencies should be greater than a given number d_i ( | x - y | > d_i )
(II) the absolute difference between two frequencies should exactly be equal to a given number d_i ( | x - y | = d_i ).
Different deviations d_i, i in 0..4, may exist for the same pair of links. d_0 corresponds to hard constraints while higher deviations are soft constraints that can be violated with an associated cost a_i. Moreover, pre-assigned frequencies may be known for some links which are either hard or soft preferences (mobility cost b_i, i in 0..4). The goal is to minimize the weighted sum of violated constraints.
- So the goal is to minimize the sum:
where nci is the number of violated constraints with cost a_i and nvi is the number of modified variables with mobility cost b_i.
Cabon, B., de Givry, S., Lobjois, L., Schiex, T., Warners, J.P. Constraints (1999) 4: 79.
CFN model
We create N variables for every radio link with a given integer domain. Hard and soft binary cost functions express interference constraints with possible deviations with cost equal to a_i. Unary cost functions are used to model mobility costs with cost equal to b_i. The initial upper bound is defined as 1 plus the total cost where all the soft constraints are maximally violated (costs a_4/b_4).
Original data files can be downloaded from the cost function library FullRLFAP. Their format is described here. You can try a small example CELAR6-SUB1 (var.txt
, dom.txt
, ctr.txt
, cst.txt
) with optimum value equal to 2669.
Python model
The following code solves the corresponding cost function network using the pytoulbar2 library and needs 4 arguments: the variable file, the domain file, the constraints file and the cost file (e.g. “python3 var.txt dom.txt ctr.txt cst.txt”).
import sys
import pytoulbar2
class Data:
def __init__(self, var, dom, ctr, cst):
self.var = list()
self.dom = {}
self.ctr = list()
self.cost = {} = {}
self.nbb = {} = 1
self.Domain = {}
stream = open(var)
for line in stream:
if len(line.split())>=4:
(varnum, vardom, value, mobility) = line.split()[:4]
self.Domain[int(varnum)] = int(vardom)
self.var.append((int(varnum), int(vardom), int(value), int(mobility)))
self.nbb["b" + str(mobility)] = self.nbb.get("b" + str(mobility), 0) + 1
(varnum, vardom) = line.split()[:2]
self.Domain[int(varnum)] = int(vardom)
self.var.append((int(varnum), int(vardom)))
stream = open(dom)
for line in stream:
domain = line.split()[:]
self.dom[int(domain[0])] = [int(f) for f in domain[2:]]
stream = open(ctr)
for line in stream:
(var1, var2, dummy, operand, deviation, weight) = line.split()[:6]
self.ctr.append((int(var1), int(var2), operand, int(deviation), int(weight)))["a" + str(weight)] ="a" + str(weight), 0) + 1
stream = open(cst)
for line in stream:
if len(line.split()) == 3:
(aorbi, eq, cost) = line.split()[:3]
if (eq == "="):
self.cost[aorbi] = int(cost) += int(cost) *, self.nbb.get(aorbi, 0))
#collect data
data = Data(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3], sys.argv[4])
top =
Problem = pytoulbar2.CFN(top)
#create a variable for each link
for e in data.var:
domain = []
for f in data.dom[e[1]]:
domain.append('f' + str(f))
Problem.AddVariable('link' + str(e[0]), domain)
#binary hard and soft constraints
for (var1, var2, operand, deviation, weight) in data.ctr:
ListConstraints = []
for a in data.dom[data.Domain[var1]]:
for b in data.dom[data.Domain[var2]]:
if ((operand==">" and abs(a - b) > deviation) or (operand=="=" and abs(a - b) == deviation)):
ListConstraints.append(data.cost.get('a' + str(weight),top))
Problem.AddFunction(['link' + str(var1), 'link' + str(var2)], ListConstraints)
#unary hard and soft constraints
for e in data.var:
if len(e) >= 3:
ListConstraints = []
for a in data.dom[e[1]]:
if a == e[2]:
ListConstraints.append(data.cost.get('b' + str(e[3]),top))
Problem.AddFunction(['link' + str(e[0])], ListConstraints)
res = Problem.Solve(showSolutions=3)
if res:
print("Best solution found with cost:",int(res[1]),"in", Problem.GetNbNodes(), "search nodes.")
print('Sorry, no solution found!')