C++ Library
toulbar2 is an open-source C++ solver for cost function networks.
See : Class Diagram
Main types and constants
The main types are:
Value : domain value
::Cost : cost value (exact type depends on compilation flag)
::Long : large integer (long long int)
::TProb : probability value (exact type depends on compilation flag)
::TLogProb : log probability value (exact type depends on compilation flag)
Double : large float (long double)
tValue : a short Value type for tuples
Tuple : vector of tValues to encode tuples
Compilation flag for Cost is: INT_COST
(long long), or PARETOPAIR_COST
(see ::ParetoPair)
Compilation flag for TProb is: DOUBLE_PROB
Compilation flag for T(Log)Prob is: DOUBLE_PROB
is fragile.
const string IMPLICIT_VAR_TAG = "#"
Special character value at the beginning of a variable’s name to identify implicit variables (i.e., variables which are not decision variables)
const string HIDDEN_VAR_TAG = "^"
Special character value at the beginning of a variable’s name to identify hidden variables like diverse extra variables corresponding to the current sequence of diverse solutions found so far.
const string HIDDEN_VAR_TAG_HVE = "^c"
const string HIDDEN_VAR_TAG_HVE_PRE = "^!"
const Value MAX_VAL = (std::numeric_limits<Value>::max() / 2)
Maximum domain value.
const Value WRONG_VAL = std::numeric_limits<Value>::max()
Forbidden domain value.
const Value MIN_VAL = -(std::numeric_limits<Value>::max() / 2)
Minimum domain value.
const Value MAX_DOMAIN_SIZE = 10000
Maximum domain size
const unsigned int NARYPROJECTION3MAXDOMSIZE = 30
const int MAX_BRANCH_SIZE = 1000000
const ptrdiff_t OPEN_NODE_LIMIT = SIZE_MAX
const int STORE_SIZE = 16
const int MAX_ELIM_BIN = 1000000000
const int MAX_ARITY = 1000
const Long MAX_NB_TUPLES = 100000LL
Maximum number of tuples in n-ary cost functions.
const int LARGE_NB_VARS = 10000
const int DECIMAL_POINT = 3
const bool NARY2CLAUSE = true
const int MAX_EAC_ITER = 10000
WeightedCSP class
class WeightedCSP
Abstract class WeightedCSP representing a weighted constraint satisfaction problem
problem lower and upper bounds
list of variables with their finite domains (either represented by an enumerated list of values, or by a single interval)
list of cost functions (created before and during search by variable elimination of variables with small degree)
local consistency propagation (variable-based propagation) including cluster tree decomposition caching (separator-based cache)
Variables are referenced by their lexicographic index number (as returned by eg WeightedCSP::makeEnumeratedVariable)
Cost functions are referenced by their lexicographic index number (as returned by eg WeightedCSP::postBinaryConstraint)
Public Functions
inline virtual ~WeightedCSP()
virtual int getIndex() const = 0
instantiation occurrence number of current WCSP object
virtual string getName() const = 0
get WCSP problem name (defaults to filename with no extension)
virtual void setName(const string &problem) = 0
set WCSP problem name
virtual void *getSolver() const = 0
special hook to access solver information
virtual Cost getLb() const = 0
gets internal dual lower bound
virtual Cost getUb() const = 0
gets internal primal upper bound
virtual Double getDPrimalBound() const = 0
gets problem primal bound as a Double representing a decimal cost (upper resp. lower bound for minimization resp. maximization)
virtual Double getDDualBound() const = 0
gets problem dual bound as a Double representing a decimal cost (lower resp. upper bound for minimization resp. maximization)
virtual Double getDLb() const = 0
gets problem lower bound as a Double representing a decimal cost
virtual Double getDUb() const = 0
gets problem upper bound as a Double representing a decimal cost
virtual void updateDUb(Double newDUb) = 0
sets problem upper bound as a Double representing a decimal cost
virtual void updateUb(Cost newUb) = 0
sets initial problem upper bound and each time a new solution is found
virtual void enforceUb() = 0
enforces problem upper bound when exploring an alternative search node
virtual void increaseLb(Cost addLb) = 0
increases problem lower bound thanks to eg soft local consistencies
- Parameters:
addLb – increment value to be added to the problem lower bound
virtual void decreaseLb(Cost shift) = 0
shift problem optimum toward negative costs
- Parameters:
shift – positive shifting value to be subtracted to the problem optimum when printing the solutions
virtual Cost getNegativeLb() const = 0
gets constant term used to subtract to the problem optimum when printing the solutions
virtual Cost finiteUb() const = 0
computes the worst-case assignment finite cost (sum of maximum finite cost over all cost functions plus one)
current problem should be completely loaded and propagated before calling this function
- Returns:
the worst-case assignment finite cost
virtual void setInfiniteCost() = 0
updates infinite costs in all cost functions accordingly to the problem global lower and upper bounds
to be used in preprocessing only
virtual bool isfinite() const = 0
returns true if any complete assignment using current domains is a valid tuple with finite cost (i.e., cost strictly less than the problem upper bound minus the lower bound)
virtual bool enumerated(int varIndex) const = 0
true if the variable has an enumerated domain
virtual string getName(int varIndex) const = 0
by default, variables names are integers, starting at zero
virtual unsigned int getVarIndex(const string &s) const = 0
return variable index from its name, or numberOfVariables() if not found
virtual Value getInf(int varIndex) const = 0
minimum current domain value
virtual Value getSup(int varIndex) const = 0
maximum current domain value
virtual Value getValue(int varIndex) const = 0
current assigned value
undefined if not assigned yet
virtual unsigned int getDomainSize(int varIndex) const = 0
current domain size
virtual vector<Value> getEnumDomain(int varIndex) = 0
gets current domain values in an array
virtual bool getEnumDomain(int varIndex, Value *array) = 0
virtual vector<pair<Value, Cost>> getEnumDomainAndCost(int varIndex) = 0
gets current domain values and unary costs in an array
virtual bool getEnumDomainAndCost(int varIndex, ValueCost *array) = 0
virtual unsigned int getDomainInitSize(int varIndex) const = 0
gets initial domain size (warning! assumes EnumeratedVariable)
virtual Value toValue(int varIndex, unsigned int idx) = 0
gets value from index (warning! assumes EnumeratedVariable)
virtual unsigned int toIndex(int varIndex, Value value) = 0
gets index from value (warning! assumes EnumeratedVariable)
virtual unsigned int toIndex(int varIndex, const string &valueName) = 0
gets index from value name (warning! assumes EnumeratedVariable with value names)
virtual int getDACOrder(int varIndex) const = 0
index of the variable in the DAC variable ordering
virtual bool assigned(int varIndex) const = 0
virtual bool unassigned(int varIndex) const = 0
virtual bool canbe(int varIndex, Value v) const = 0
virtual bool cannotbe(int varIndex, Value v) const = 0
virtual Value nextValue(int varIndex, Value v) const = 0
first value after v in the current domain or v if there is no value
virtual void increase(int varIndex, Value newInf) = 0
changes domain lower bound
virtual void decrease(int varIndex, Value newSup) = 0
changes domain upper bound
virtual void assign(int varIndex, Value newValue) = 0
assigns a variable and immediately propagates this assignment
virtual void remove(int varIndex, Value remValue) = 0
removes a domain value (valid if done for an enumerated variable or on its domain bounds)
virtual void assignLS(vector<int> &varIndexes, vector<Value> &newValues, bool force = false) = 0
assigns a set of variables at once and propagates (used by Local Search methods such as Large Neighborhood Search)
- Parameters:
varIndexes – vector of variable indexes as returned by makeXXXVariable
newValues – vector of values to be assigned to the corresponding variables
force – boolean if true then apply assignLS even if the variable is already assigned Note this function is equivalent but faster than a sequence of assign.
virtual void assignLS(int *varIndexes, Value *newValues, unsigned int size, bool dopropagate, bool force = false) = 0
virtual void deconnect(vector<int> &varIndexes) = 0
deconnects a set of variables from the rest of the problem and assigns them to their support value (used by Incremental Search)
- Parameters:
varIndexes – vector of variable indexes as returned by makeXXXVariable
virtual Cost getUnaryCost(int varIndex, Value v) const = 0
unary cost associated to a domain value
virtual Cost getMaxUnaryCost(int varIndex) const = 0
maximum unary cost in the domain
virtual Value getMaxUnaryCostValue(int varIndex) const = 0
a value having the maximum unary cost in the domain
virtual Value getSupport(int varIndex) const = 0
NC/EAC unary support value.
virtual Value getBestValue(int varIndex) const = 0
hint for some value ordering heuristics (only used by RDS)
virtual void setBestValue(int varIndex, Value v) = 0
hint for some value ordering heuristics (only used by RDS)
virtual bool getIsPartOfOptimalSolution() = 0
special flag used for debugging purposes only
virtual void setIsPartOfOptimalSolution(bool v) = 0
special flag used for debugging purposes only
virtual int getDegree(int varIndex) const = 0
approximate degree of a variable (ie number of active cost functions, see Variable elimination)
virtual int getTrueDegree(int varIndex) const = 0
degree of a variable
virtual Long getWeightedDegree(int varIndex) const = 0
weighted degree heuristic
virtual void resetWeightedDegree() = 0
initialize weighted degree heuristic
virtual void resetTightness() = 0
initialize constraint tightness used by some heuristics (including weighted degree)
virtual void resetTightnessAndWeightedDegree() = 0
initialize tightness and weighted degree heuristics
virtual void preprocessing() = 0
applies various preprocessing techniques to simplify the current problem
virtual void sortConstraints() = 0
sorts the list of cost functions associated to each variable based on smallest problem variable indexes
must be called after creating all the cost functions and before solving the problem
side-effect: updates DAC order according to an existing variable elimination order
virtual void whenContradiction() = 0
after a contradiction, resets propagation queues
virtual void deactivatePropagate() = 0
forbids propagate calls
virtual bool isactivatePropagate() = 0
are propagate calls authorized?
virtual void reactivatePropagate() = 0
re-authorizes propagate calls
virtual void propagate(bool fromscratch = false) = 0
(if authorized) propagates until a fix point is reached (or throws a contradiction). If fromscratch is true then propagates every cost function at least once.
virtual bool verify() = 0
checks the propagation fix point is reached
virtual unsigned int numberOfVariables() const = 0
number of created variables
virtual unsigned int numberOfUnassignedVariables() const = 0
current number of unassigned variables
virtual unsigned int numberOfConstraints() const = 0
initial number of cost functions (before variable elimination)
virtual unsigned int numberOfConnectedConstraints() const = 0
current number of cost functions
virtual unsigned int numberOfConnectedBinaryConstraints() const = 0
current number of binary cost functions
virtual unsigned int numberOfConnectedKnapsackConstraints() const = 0
current number of knapsack cost functions
virtual unsigned int medianDomainSize() const = 0
median current domain size of variables
virtual unsigned int medianDegree() const = 0
median current degree of variables
virtual unsigned int medianArity() const = 0
median arity of current cost functions
virtual unsigned int getMaxDomainSize() const = 0
maximum initial domain size found in all variables
virtual unsigned int getMaxCurrentDomainSize() const = 0
maximum current domain size found in all variables
virtual unsigned int getDomainSizeSum() const = 0
total sum of current domain sizes
virtual void cartProd(BigInteger &cartesianProduct) = 0
Cartesian product of current domain sizes.
- Parameters:
cartesianProduct – result obtained by the GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library GMP
virtual Long getNbDEE() const = 0
number of value removals due to dead-end elimination
virtual int makeEnumeratedVariable(string n, Value iinf, Value isup) = 0
create an enumerated variable with its domain bounds
virtual int makeEnumeratedVariable(string n, vector<Value> &dom) = 0
create an enumerated variable with its domain values
virtual void addValueName(int xIndex, const string &valuename) = 0
add next value name
should be called on EnumeratedVariable object as many times as its number of initial domain values
virtual const string &getValueName(int xIndex, Value value) = 0
return the name associated to a value as defined by addValueName or an empty string if no name found
virtual int makeIntervalVariable(string n, Value iinf, Value isup) = 0
create an interval variable with its domain bounds
virtual void postNullaryConstraint(Double cost) = 0
add a zero-arity cost function with floating-point cost
virtual void postUnaryConstraint(int xIndex, vector<Double> &costs, bool incremental = false) = 0
add a unary cost function with floating-point costs (if incremental is true then it disappears upon backtrack)
virtual int postBinaryConstraint(int xIndex, int yIndex, vector<Double> &costs, bool incremental = false) = 0
add a binary cost function with floating-point costs (if incremental is true then it disappears upon backtrack)
virtual int postTernaryConstraint(int xIndex, int yIndex, int zIndex, vector<Double> &costs, bool incremental = false) = 0
add a ternary cost function with floating-point costs (if incremental is true then it disappears upon backtrack)
virtual void postNullaryConstraint(Cost cost) = 0
virtual void postUnary(int xIndex, vector<Cost> &costs) = 0
virtual void postUnaryConstraint(int xIndex, vector<Cost> &costs) = 0
virtual void postIncrementalUnaryConstraint(int xIndex, vector<Cost> &costs) = 0
virtual int postBinaryConstraint(int xIndex, int yIndex, vector<Cost> &costs) = 0
virtual int postIncrementalBinaryConstraint(int xIndex, int yIndex, vector<Cost> &costs) = 0
virtual int postTernaryConstraint(int xIndex, int yIndex, int zIndex, vector<Cost> &costs) = 0
virtual int postIncrementalTernaryConstraint(int xIndex, int yIndex, int zIndex, vector<Cost> &costs) = 0
virtual int postNaryConstraintBegin(vector<int> scope, Cost defval, Long nbtuples = 0, bool forcenary = !NARY2CLAUSE) = 0
virtual int postNaryConstraintBegin(int *scope, int arity, Cost defval, Long nbtuples = 0, bool forcenary = !NARY2CLAUSE) = 0
must call WeightedCSP::postNaryConstraintEnd after giving cost tuples
virtual void postNaryConstraintTuple(int ctrindex, vector<Value> &tuple, Cost cost) = 0
virtual void postNaryConstraintTuple(int ctrindex, Value *tuple, int arity, Cost cost) = 0
virtual void postNaryConstraintEnd(int ctrindex) = 0
virtual int postUnary(int xIndex, Value *d, int dsize, Cost penalty) = 0
must call WeightedCSP::sortConstraints after all cost functions have been posted (see WeightedCSP::sortConstraints)
virtual int postUnaryConstraint(int xIndex, Value *d, int dsize, Cost penalty) = 0
virtual int postDisjunction(int xIndex, int yIndex, Value cstx, Value csty, Cost penalty) = 0
virtual int postSpecialDisjunction(int xIndex, int yIndex, Value cstx, Value csty, Value xinfty, Value yinfty, Cost costx, Cost costy) = 0
virtual int postCliqueConstraint(vector<int> scope, const string &arguments) = 0
virtual int postCliqueConstraint(int *scopeIndex, int arity, istream &file) = 0
virtual int postKnapsackConstraint(vector<int> scope, const string &arguments, bool isclique = false, int kp = 0, bool conflict = false, Tuple wcnf = {}) = 0
virtual int postKnapsackConstraint(int *scopeIndex, int arity, istream &file, bool isclique = false, int kp = 0, bool conflict = false, Tuple wcnf = {}) = 0
virtual int postWeightedCSPConstraint(vector<int> scope, WeightedCSP *problem, WeightedCSP *negproblem, Cost lb = MIN_COST, Cost ub = MAX_COST, bool duplicateHard = false, bool strongDuality = false) = 0
create a hard constraint such that the input cost function network (problem) must have its optimum cost in [lb,ub[ interval.
The input scope must contain all variables in problem in the same order.
if duplicateHard is true it assumes any forbidden tuple in the original input problem is also forbidden by another constraint in the main model (you must duplicate any hard constraints in your input model into the main model).
if strongDuality is true then it assumes the propagation is complete when all channeling variables in the scope are assigned and the semantic of the constraint enforces that the optimum on the remaining variables is between lb and ub.
virtual int postGlobalConstraint(int *scopeIndex, int arity, const string &gcname, istream &file, int *constrcounter = NULL, bool mult = true) = 0
virtual void postGlobalFunction(vector<int> scope, const string &gcname, const string &arguments) = 0
generic function to post any global cost function
virtual int postWAmong(vector<int> scope, const string &semantics, const string &propagator, Cost baseCost, const vector<Value> &values, int lb, int ub) = 0
post a soft among cost function
- Parameters:
scopeIndex – an array of variable indexes as returned by WeightedCSP::makeEnumeratedVariable
arity – the size of the array
semantics – the semantics of the global cost function: “var” or — “hard” or “lin” or “quad” (network-based propagator only)—
propagator – the propagation method (only “DAG” or “network”)
baseCost – the scaling factor of the violation
values – a vector of values to be restricted
lb – a fixed lower bound for the number variables to be assigned to the values in values
ub – a fixed upper bound for the number variables to be assigned to the values in values post a soft weighted among cost function
virtual int postWAmong(int *scopeIndex, int arity, const string &semantics, const string &propagator, Cost baseCost, const vector<Value> &values, int lb, int ub) = 0
virtual void postWAmong(int *scopeIndex, int arity, string semantics, Cost baseCost, Value *values, int nbValues, int lb, int ub) = 0
virtual void postWVarAmong(vector<int> scope, const string &semantics, Cost baseCost, vector<Value> &values, int varIndex) = 0
post a weighted among cost function with the number of values encoded as a variable with index varIndex (network-based propagator only)
virtual void postWVarAmong(int *scopeIndex, int arity, const string &semantics, Cost baseCost, Value *values, int nbValues, int varIndex) = 0
virtual int postWRegular(vector<int> scope, const string &semantics, const string &propagator, Cost baseCost, int nbStates, const vector<WeightedObjInt> &initial_States, const vector<WeightedObjInt> &accepting_States, const vector<DFATransition> &Wtransitions) = 0
post a soft or weighted regular cost function
Weights are ignored in the current implementation of DAG and flow-based propagators post a soft weighted regular cost function
- Parameters:
scopeIndex – an array of variable indexes as returned by WeightedCSP::makeEnumeratedVariable
arity – the size of the array
semantics – the semantics of the soft global cost function: “var” or “edit” (flow-based propagator) or — “var” (DAG-based propagator)— (unused parameter for network-based propagator)
propagator – the propagation method (“flow”, “DAG”, “network”)
baseCost – the scaling factor of the violation (“flow”, “DAG”)
nbStates – the number of the states in the corresponding DFA. The states are indexed as 0, 1, …, nbStates-1
initial_States – a vector of WeightedObjInt specifying the starting states with weight
accepting_States – a vector of WeightedObjInt specifying the final states
Wtransitions – a vector of (weighted) transitions
virtual int postWRegular(int *scopeIndex, int arity, const string &semantics, const string &propagator, Cost baseCost, int nbStates, const vector<WeightedObjInt> &initial_States, const vector<WeightedObjInt> &accepting_States, const vector<DFATransition> &Wtransitions) = 0
virtual void postWRegular(int *scopeIndex, int arity, int nbStates, vector<pair<int, Cost>> initial_States, vector<pair<int, Cost>> accepting_States, int **Wtransitions, vector<Cost> transitionsCosts) = 0
virtual int postWAllDiff(vector<int> scope, const string &semantics, const string &propagator, Cost baseCost) = 0
post a soft alldifferent cost function
- Parameters:
scopeIndex – an array of variable indexes as returned by WeightedCSP::makeEnumeratedVariable
arity – the size of the array
semantics – the semantics of the global cost function: for flow-based propagator: “var” or “dec” or “decbi” (decomposed into a binary cost function complete network), for DAG-based propagator: “var”, for network-based propagator: “hard” or “lin” or “quad” (decomposed based on wamong)
propagator – the propagation method (“flow”, “DAG”, “network”)
baseCost – the scaling factor of the violation post a soft alldifferent cost function
virtual int postWAllDiff(int *scopeIndex, int arity, const string &semantics, const string &propagator, Cost baseCost) = 0
virtual void postWAllDiff(int *scopeIndex, int arity, string semantics, Cost baseCost) = 0
virtual int postWGcc(int *scopeIndex, int arity, const string &semantics, const string &propagator, Cost baseCost, const vector<BoundedObjValue> &values) = 0
post a soft global cardinality cost function
- Parameters:
scopeIndex – an array of variable indexes as returned by WeightedCSP::makeEnumeratedVariable
arity – the size of the array
semantics – the semantics of the global cost function: “var” (DAG-based propagator only) or — “var” or “dec” or “wdec” (flow-based propagator only) or — “hard” or “lin” or “quad” (network-based propagator only)—
propagator – the propagation method (“flow”, “DAG”, “network”)
baseCost – the scaling factor of the violation
values – a vector of BoundedObjValue, specifying the lower and upper bounds of each value, restricting the number of variables can be assigned to them
virtual void postWGcc(int *scopeIndex, int arity, string semantics, Cost baseCost, Value *values, int nbValues, int *lb, int *ub) = 0
virtual int postWSame(int *scopeIndexG1, int arityG1, int *scopeIndexG2, int arityG2, const string &semantics, const string &propagator, Cost baseCost) = 0
post a soft same cost function (a group of variables being a permutation of another group with the same size)
- Parameters:
scopeIndexG1 – an array of the first group of variable indexes as returned by WeightedCSP::makeEnumeratedVariable
arityG1 – the size of scopeIndexG1
scopeIndexG2 – an array of the second group of variable indexes as returned by WeightedCSP::makeEnumeratedVariable
arityG2 – the size of scopeIndexG2
semantics – the semantics of the global cost function: “var” or — “hard” or “lin” or “quad” (network-based propagator only)—
propagator – the propagation method (“flow” or “network”)
baseCost – the scaling factor of the violation.
virtual void postWSame(int *scopeIndex, int arity, string semantics, Cost baseCost) = 0
virtual void postWSameGcc(int *scopeIndex, int arity, string semantics, Cost baseCost, Value *values, int nbValues, int *lb, int *ub) = 0
post a combination of a same and gcc cost function decomposed as a cost function network
virtual int postWGrammarCNF(int *scopeIndex, int arity, const string &semantics, const string &propagator, Cost baseCost, int nbSymbols, int startSymbol, const vector<CFGProductionRule> WRuleToTerminal) = 0
post a soft/weighted grammar cost function with the dynamic programming propagator and grammar in Chomsky normal form
- Parameters:
scopeIndex – an array of the first group of variable indexes as returned by WeightedCSP::makeEnumeratedVariable
arity – the size of scopeIndex
semantics – the semantics of the global cost function: “var” or “weight”
propagator – the propagation method (“DAG” only)
baseCost – the scaling factor of the violation
nbSymbols – the number of symbols in the corresponding grammar. Symbols are indexed as 0, 1, …, nbSymbols-1
startSymbol – the index of the starting symbol
WRuleToTerminal – a vector of ::CFGProductionRule. Note that:
if order in CFGProductionRule is set to 0, it is classified as A -> v, where A is the index of the terminal symbol and v is the value.
if order in CFGProductionRule is set to 1, it is classified as A -> BC, where A,B,C the index of the nonterminal symbols.
if order in CFGProductionRule is set to 2, it is classified as weighted A -> v, where A is the index of the terminal symbol and v is the value.
if order in CFGProductionRule is set to 3, it is classified as weighted A -> BC, where A,B,C the index of the nonterminal symbols.
if order in CFGProductionRule is set to values greater than 3, it is ignored.
virtual int postMST(int *scopeIndex, int arity, const string &semantics, const string &propagator, Cost baseCost) = 0
post a Spanning Tree hard constraint
- Parameters:
scopeIndex – an array of variable indexes as returned by WeightedCSP::makeEnumeratedVariable
arity – the size of scopeIndex
semantics – the semantics of the global cost function: “hard”
propagator – the propagation method (“DAG” only)
baseCost – unused in the current implementation (MAX_COST)
virtual int postMaxWeight(int *scopeIndex, int arity, const string &semantics, const string &propagator, Cost baseCost, const vector<WeightedVarValPair> weightFunction) = 0
post a weighted max cost function (maximum cost of a set of unary cost functions associated to a set of variables)
- Parameters:
scopeIndex – an array of variable indexes as returned by WeightedCSP::makeEnumeratedVariable
arity – the size of scopeIndex
semantics – the semantics of the global cost function: “val”
propagator – the propagation method (“DAG” only)
baseCost – if a variable-value pair does not exist in weightFunction, its weight will be mapped to baseCost.
weightFunction – a vector of WeightedVarValPair containing a mapping from variable-value pairs to their weights.
virtual void postWSum(int *scopeIndex, int arity, string semantics, Cost baseCost, string comparator, int rightRes) = 0
post a soft linear constraint with unit coefficients
- Parameters:
scopeIndex – an array of variable indexes as returned by WeightedCSP::makeEnumeratedVariable
arity – the size of scopeIndex
semantics – the semantics of the global cost function: “hard” or “lin” or “quad” (network-based propagator only)
propagator – the propagation method (“network” only)
baseCost – the scaling factor of the violation
comparator – the comparison operator of the linear constraint (“==”, “!=”, “<”, “<=”, “>,”, “>=”)
rightRes – right-hand side value of the linear constraint
virtual void postWVarSum(int *scopeIndex, int arity, string semantics, Cost baseCost, string comparator, int varIndex) = 0
post a soft linear constraint with unit coefficients and variable right-hand side
virtual void postWOverlap(int *scopeIndex, int arity, string semantics, Cost baseCost, string comparator, int rightRes) = 0
post a soft overlap cost function (a group of variables being point-wise equivalent — and not equal to zero — to another group with the same size)
- Parameters:
scopeIndex – an array of variable indexes as returned by WeightedCSP::makeEnumeratedVariable
arity – the size of scopeIndex (should be an even value)
semantics – the semantics of the global cost function: “hard” or “lin” or “quad” (network-based propagator only)
propagator – the propagation method (“network” only)
baseCost – the scaling factor of the violation.
comparator – the point-wise comparison operator applied to the number of equivalent variables (“==”, “!=”, “<”, “<=”, “>,”, “>=”)
rightRes – right-hand side value of the comparison
virtual void postWDivConstraint(vector<int> scope, unsigned int distance, vector<Value> &values, int method = 0) = 0
post a diversity Hamming distance constraint between a list of variables and a given fixed assignment
depending on the decomposition method, it adds dual and/or hidden variables
- Parameters:
scope – a vector of variable indexes as returned by WeightedCSP::makeEnumeratedVariable
distance – the Hamming distance minimum bound
values – a vector of values (same size as scope)
method – the network decomposition method (0:Dual, 1:Hidden, 2:Ternary)
virtual vector<vector<int>> *getListSuccessors() = 0
generating additional variables vector created when berge decomposition are included in the WCSP
virtual vector<int> getBergeDecElimOrder() = 0
return an elimination order compatible with Berge acyclic decomposition of global decomposable cost functions (if possible keep reverse of previous DAC order)
virtual void setDACOrder(vector<int> &elimVarOrder) = 0
change DAC order and propagate from scratch
virtual bool isKnapsack() = 0
true if there are knapsack constraints defined in the problem
virtual bool isGlobal() = 0
true if there are soft global constraints defined in the problem
virtual Cost read_wcsp(const char *fileName) = 0
load problem in all format supported by toulbar2. Returns the UB known to the solver before solving (file and command line).
virtual void read_legacy(const char *fileName) = 0
load problem in wcsp legacy format
virtual void read_uai2008(const char *fileName) = 0
load problem in UAI 2008 format (see http://graphmod.ics.uci.edu/uai08/FileFormat and http://www.cs.huji.ac.il/project/UAI10/fileFormat.php)
UAI10 evidence file format not recognized by toulbar2 as it does not allow multiple evidence (you should remove the first value in the file)
virtual void read_random(int n, int m, vector<int> &p, int seed, bool forceSubModular = false, string globalname = "") = 0
create a random WCSP with n variables, domain size m, array p where the first element is a percentage of tuples with a nonzero cost and next elements are the number of random cost functions for each different arity (starting with arity two), random seed, a flag to have a percentage (last element in the array p) of the binary cost functions being permutated submodular, and a string to use a specific global cost function instead of random cost functions in extension
virtual void read_wcnf(const char *fileName) = 0
load problem in (w)cnf format (see http://www.maxsat.udl.cat/08/index.php?disp=requirements)
virtual void read_qpbo(const char *fileName) = 0
load quadratic pseudo-Boolean optimization problem in unconstrained quadratic programming text format (first text line with n, number of variables and m, number of triplets, followed by the m triplets (x,y,cost) describing the sparse symmetric nXn cost matrix with variable indexes such that x <= y and any positive or negative real numbers for costs)
virtual void read_opb(const char *fileName) = 0
load pseudo-Boolean optimization problem
virtual void read_lp(const char *fileName) = 0
load integer linear programming problem
virtual const vector<Value> getSolution() = 0
after solving the problem, return the optimal solution (warning! do not use it if doing solution counting or if there is no solution, see WeightedCSPSolver::solve output for that)
virtual Double getSolutionValue() const = 0
returns current best solution cost or MAX_COST if no solution found
virtual Cost getSolutionCost() const = 0
returns current best solution cost or MAX_COST if no solution found
virtual const vector<Value> getSolution(Cost *cost_ptr) = 0
returns current best solution and its cost
virtual vector<pair<Double, vector<Value>>> getSolutions() const = 0
returns all solutions found
virtual void initSolutionCost() = 0
invalidate best solution by changing its cost to MAX_COST
virtual void setSolution(Cost cost, TAssign *sol = NULL) = 0
set best solution from current assigned values or from a given assignment (for BTD-like methods)
virtual void printSolution() = 0
prints current best solution on standard output (using variable and value names if cfn format and ToulBar2::showSolution>1)
virtual void printSolution(ostream &os) = 0
prints current best solution (using variable and value names if cfn format and ToulBar2::writeSolution>1)
virtual void printSolution(FILE *f) = 0
prints current best solution (using variable and value names if cfn format and ToulBar2::writeSolution>1)
virtual void print(ostream &os) = 0
print current domains and active cost functions (see Output messages, verbosity options and debugging)
virtual void dump(ostream &os, bool original = true) = 0
output the current WCSP into a file in wcsp format
- Parameters:
os – output file
original – if true then keeps all variables with their original domain size else uses unassigned variables and current domains recoding variable indexes
virtual void dump_CFN(ostream &os, bool original = true) = 0
output the current WCSP into a file in wcsp format
- Parameters:
os – output file
original – if true then keeps all variables with their original domain size else uses unassigned variables and current domains recoding variable indexes
virtual Cost decimalToCost(const string &decimalToken, const unsigned int lineNumber) const = 0
virtual Cost DoubletoCost(const Double &c) const = 0
virtual Double Cost2ADCost(const Cost &c) const = 0
converts an integer cost from a lower or upper bound of the whole problem into a real value
virtual Double Cost2RDCost(const Cost &c) const = 0
converts an integer cost from a local cost function into a real value
virtual Cost Prob2Cost(TProb p) const = 0
virtual TProb Cost2Prob(Cost c) const = 0
virtual TLogProb Cost2LogProb(Cost c) const = 0
virtual Cost LogProb2Cost(TLogProb p) const = 0
virtual Cost LogSumExp(Cost c1, Cost c2) const = 0
virtual TLogProb LogSumExp(TLogProb logc1, Cost c2) const = 0
virtual TLogProb LogSumExp(TLogProb logc1, TLogProb logc2) const = 0
virtual void setLb(Cost newLb) = 0
virtual void setUb(Cost newUb) = 0
virtual void restoreSolution(Cluster *c = NULL) = 0
virtual void buildTreeDecomposition() = 0
virtual TreeDecomposition *getTreeDec() = 0
virtual vector<Variable*> &getDivVariables() = 0
returns all variables on which a diversity request exists
virtual void initDivVariables() = 0
initializes diversity variables with all decision variables in the problem
virtual void iniSingleton() = 0
virtual void updateSingleton() = 0
virtual void removeSingleton() = 0
virtual void printVACStat() = 0
Public Static Functions
static WeightedCSP *makeWeightedCSP(Cost upperBound, void *solver = NULL)
Weighted CSP factory.
WeightedCSPSolver class
class WeightedCSPSolver
Abstract class WeightedCSPSolver representing a WCSP solver
link to a WeightedCSP
generic complete solving method configurable through global variables (see ToulBar2 class and command line options)
optimal solution available after problem solving
elementary decision operations on domains of variables
statistics information (number of nodes and backtracks)
problem file format reader (multiple formats, see Weighted Constraint Satisfaction Problem file format (wcsp))
solution checker (output the cost of a given solution)
Public Functions
inline virtual ~WeightedCSPSolver()
virtual WeightedCSP *getWCSP() = 0
access to its associated Weighted CSP
virtual Long getNbNodes() const = 0
number of search nodes (see WeightedCSPSolver::increase, WeightedCSPSolver::decrease, WeightedCSPSolver::assign, WeightedCSPSolver::remove)
virtual Long getNbBacktracks() const = 0
number of backtracks
virtual void increase(int varIndex, Value value, bool reverse = false) = 0
changes domain lower bound and propagates
virtual void decrease(int varIndex, Value value, bool reverse = false) = 0
changes domain upper bound and propagates
virtual void assign(int varIndex, Value value, bool reverse = false) = 0
assigns a variable and propagates
virtual void remove(int varIndex, Value value, bool reverse = false) = 0
removes a domain value and propagates (valid if done for an enumerated variable or on its domain bounds)
virtual Cost read_wcsp(const char *fileName) = 0
reads a Cost function network from a file (format as indicated by ToulBar2:: global variables)
virtual void read_random(int n, int m, vector<int> &p, int seed, bool forceSubModular = false, string globalname = "") = 0
create a random WCSP, see WeightedCSP::read_random
virtual bool solve(bool first = true) = 0
simplifies and solves to optimality the problem
after solving, the current problem has been modified by various preprocessing techniques
DO NOT READ VALUES OF ASSIGNED VARIABLES USING WeightedCSP::getValue (temporally wrong assignments due to variable elimination in preprocessing) BUT USE WeightedCSPSolver::getSolution INSTEAD
- Returns:
false if there is no solution found
virtual void beginSolve(Cost ub) = 0
virtual Cost preprocessing(Cost ub) = 0
virtual void recursiveSolve(Cost lb = MIN_COST) = 0
virtual void recursiveSolveLDS(int discrepancy) = 0
virtual pair<Cost, Cost> hybridSolve() = 0
virtual void endSolve(bool isSolution, Cost cost, bool isComplete) = 0
virtual Cost narycsp(string cmd, vector<Value> &solution) = 0
solves the current problem using INCOP local search solver by Bertrand Neveu
side-effects: updates current problem upper bound and propagates, best solution saved (using WCSP::setBestValue)
cannot solve problems with global cost functions
- Parameters:
cmd – command line argument for narycsp INCOP local search solver (cmd format: lowerbound randomseed nbiterations method nbmoves neighborhoodchoice neighborhoodchoice2 minnbneighbors maxnbneighbors neighborhoodchoice3 autotuning tracemode)
solution – best solution assignment found (MUST BE INITIALIZED WITH A DEFAULT COMPLETE ASSIGNMENT)
- Returns:
best solution cost found
virtual Cost pils(string cmd, vector<Value> &solution) = 0
solves the current problem using PILS local search @ Francois Beuvin, David Simoncini, Sebastien Verel
cannot solve problems with non-binary cost functions
- Parameters:
cmd – command line argument for PILS local search solver (cmd format: nbruns perturb_mode perturb_strength flatMaxIter nbEvalHC nbEvalMax strengthMin strengthMax incrFactor decrFactor)
- Returns:
best solution cost found
virtual Cost lrBCD(string cmd, vector<Value> &solution) = 0
solves the current problem using LR-BCD local search @ Valentin Durante, George Katsirelos, Thomas Schiex
cannot solve problems with non-binary cost functions
- Parameters:
cmd – command line argument for LR-BCD local search solver (cmd format: maxiter rank nbroundings)
- Returns:
best solution cost found
virtual bool solve_symmax2sat(int n, int m, int *posx, int *posy, double *cost, int *sol) = 0
quadratic unconstrained pseudo-Boolean optimization Maximize \(h' \times W \times h\) where \(W\) is expressed by all its non-zero half squared matrix costs (can be positive or negative, with \(\forall i, posx[i] \leq posy[i]\))
See also
solvesymmax2sat_ for Fortran call
costs for \(posx \neq posy\) are multiplied by 2 by this method
by convention: \(h = 1 \equiv x = 0\) and \(h = -1 \equiv x = 1\)
does not allow infinite costs (no forbidden assignments, unconstrained optimization)
- Returns:
true if at least one solution has been found (array sol being filled with the best solution)
virtual void dump_wcsp(const char *fileName, bool original = true, ProblemFormat format = WCSP_FORMAT) = 0
output current problem in a file
See also
virtual void read_solution(const char *fileName, bool updateValueHeuristic = true) = 0
read a solution from a file
virtual void parse_solution(const char *certificate, bool updateValueHeuristic = true) = 0
read a solution from a string (see ToulBar2 option -x)
virtual const vector<Value> getSolution() = 0
after solving the problem, return the optimal solution (warning! do not use it if doing solution counting or if there is no solution, see WeightedCSPSolver::solve output for that)
virtual Double getSolutionValue() const = 0
after solving the problem, return the optimal solution value (can be an arbitrary real cost in minimization or preference in maximization, see CFN format) (warning! do not use it if doing solution counting or if there is no solution, see WeightedCSPSolver::solve output for that)
virtual Cost getSolutionCost() const = 0
after solving the problem, return the optimal solution nonnegative integer cost (warning! do not use it if doing solution counting or if there is no solution, see WeightedCSPSolver::solve output for that)
virtual Cost getSolution(vector<Value> &solution) const = 0
after solving the problem, add the optimal solution in the input/output vector and returns its optimum cost (warning! do not use it if doing solution counting or if there is no solution, see WeightedCSPSolver::solve output for that)
virtual vector<pair<Double, vector<Value>>> getSolutions() const = 0
after solving the problem, return all solutions found with their corresponding value
virtual Double getDDualBound() const = 0
after (partially) solving the problem (possibly interrupted before the search is complete), return a global problem dual bound as a Double representing a decimal cost (lower resp. upper bound for minimization resp. maximization)
virtual set<int> getUnassignedVars() const = 0
virtual int numberOfUnassignedVariables() const = 0
Public Static Functions
static WeightedCSPSolver *makeWeightedCSPSolver(Cost initUpperBound, WeightedCSP *wcsp = NULL)
WeightedCSP Solver factory.
MultiCFN class
class MultiCFN
store a combination of several cost function networks. one new class: multiwcsp to create a wcsp as the linear combination of wcsp’s given as input makeWeightedCSPSolver: possibility to give a wcsp as input, which will be used as the instance solved by the solver (works only with the base Solver class, otherwise, a new weightedCSP is created withinin the solver object) adding a function for the python API for weightedCSP to read an instance independently from the solver adding the multiwcsp object and methods in the python API modification of the python API in makeWeightedCSPSolver to take a weightedCSP as input modification of the python API to create a weightedCSP object without solvers modification of the python API to read an instance file directly from a weightedCSP object
Public Types
typedef std::map<std::string, std::string> Solution
Public Functions
default constructor
MultiCFN(std::vector<WCSP*> &wcsps, std::vector<Double> &weights)
constructor: build a multicfn combining wcsps given as input
- Parameters:
wcsps – a vector of wcsp objects to combine with weighted sums
weights – a list of weights for each wcsp
destructor (delete all constraints)
void push_back(WCSP *wcsp, Double weight = 1.0)
add a wcsp to the network, create the variables if they do not exist, the wcsp is stored internally, the original wcsp will not be referenced
- Parameters:
wcsp – the wcsp to add
weight – the weight of the wcsp in the objective function (sum of the cost functions)
void setWeight(unsigned int wcsp_index, Double weight)
set the weight of the cost functions of one of the network
- Parameters:
wcsp_index – the index of the network to modify
weight – the new weight
Double getWeight(unsigned int wcsp_index)
get the wieght of a network
- Parameters:
wcsp_index – the index of the network (by adding order)
- Returns:
the weight assigned to the network
unsigned int nbNetworks()
number of networks loaded in the combiner
- Returns:
the number of network
unsigned int nbVariables()
number of variables in the problem
- Returns:
the number of variables
unsigned int nbCostFunctions()
number of cost functions in the problem
- Returns:
the number of cost functions
std::string getNetworkName(unsigned int index)
get the name of one of the network added to the multiwcsp
- Parameters:
index – the index of the network
- Returns:
the name associated to the network
int getVariableIndex(std::string name)
get the index of one of the variable added to the multiwcsp
- Parameters:
name – the name of the variable
- Returns:
the index associated to the variable or -1 if not found
unsigned int nbValues(unsigned int index)
number of values in the domain of the variable
- Parameters:
index – the index of the variable (must be lower than nbVariables())
- Returns:
the number of values in the domain of the variable
std::vector<unsigned int> getScope(unsigned int index)
scope of the cost function
- Parameters:
index – the index of the cost function (must be lower than nbCostFunctions())
- Returns:
the list of variable indexes in the scope of the cost function
mcriteria::CostFunction::Type getType(unsigned int index)
type of the cost function
- Parameters:
index – the index of the cost function (must be lower than nbCostFunctions())
- Returns:
the type of the cost function
Double getCost(unsigned int index, std::vector<unsigned int> &tuple)
return the cost of a given tuple
- Parameters:
index – the index of the cost function (must be lower than nbCostFunctions())
tuple – the tuple
unsigned int getDecimalPoint()
return the precision used in the combined wcsp (max of the decimalPoint of the wcsp given as input)
Double getUnitCost()
get the wcsp’s unit cost precision as double
void print(std::ostream &os)
print the cfn
os the stream to print to
WeightedCSP *makeWeightedCSP(const set<unsigned int> &vars = {}, const vector<set<unsigned int>> &scopes = {}, const vector<unsigned int> &constrs = {})
make a wcsp from the convex combination of all the wcsps
- Parameters:
vars – the optional set of variable indexes to extract the induced graph (if missing or empty then no restriction)
scopes – the optional list of allowed scopes to extract the partial graph (if missing or empty then no restriction)
constrs – the optional list of allowed cost function indexes (same index as in cfn dump file) to extract the partial graph (if missing or empty then no restriction)
void makeWeightedCSP(WeightedCSP *wcsp, const set<unsigned int> &vars = {}, const vector<set<unsigned int>> &scopes = {}, const vector<unsigned int> &constrs = {})
fill a wcsp with the convex combination of all the wcsps already added
- Parameters:
wcsp – the weighted csp to be filled
vars – the optional set of variable indexes to extract the induced graph (if missing or empty then no restriction)
scopes – the optional list of allowed scopes to extract the partial graph (if missing or empty then no restriction)
constrs – the optional list of allowed cost function indexes (same index as in cfn dump file) to extract the partial graph (if missing or empty then no restriction)
unsigned int tupleToIndex(const std::vector<mcriteria::Var*> &variables, const std::vector<unsigned int> &tuple)
convert a tuple to a cost index, rightmost value indexed first
- Parameters:
variables – the list of variables from the tuple
tuple – the tuple: value indexes for each variable
- Returns:
the index corresponding to the tuple
Solution getSolution()
get the solution of the created wcsp after being solved
- Returns:
the solution as a dictionary of variable names/value names
- Pre:
the wcsp must have been solved and not been deleted
std::vector<Double> getSolutionValues()
get the objective values of the different cost function networks from the created wcsp after being solved
- Returns:
the objective values as a dictionary of variable names/value names
- Pre:
the wcsp must have been solved and not been deleted
std::vector<Double> computeSolutionValues(Solution &solution)
compute the values of an existing solution
- Parameters:
solution – the solution given
- Returns:
the costs of the solution
Solution convertToSolution(std::vector<Value> &solution)
convert a solution returned by ToulBar2 to a dictionary with variable names and values as labels
- Parameters:
solution – the solution given bu ToulBar2
- Returns:
the solution as a dictionary
void setNoiseActivation(bool activation)
activate the noise parameter to add uniform random noise to each cost in every cost function
- Parameters:
activation – true activates the noise
void setNoiseLevel(Double min_level, Double max_level)
set the min and max value for uniform noise perturbation of the costs
typedef std::map<std::string, std::string> Solution
ToulBar2 class
class ToulBar2
It contains all toulbar2 global variables encapsulated as static class members of this class.
Each variable may correspond to some command-line option of toulbar2 executable.
Public Static Functions
static inline Double getCostMultiplier()
static inline Cost getCostMultiplierInt()
static inline void setCostMultiplier(Double mult)
Public Static Attributes
static string version = Toulbar_VERSION
toulbar2 version number
static int verbose
verbosity level (-1:no output, 0: new solutions found, 1: choice points, 2: current domains, 3: basic EPTs, 4: active cost functions, 5: detailed cost functions, 6: more EPTs, 7: detailed EPTs) (command line option -v)
static bool FullEAC
VAC-integrality/Full-EAC variable ordering heuristic (command line option -vacint and optionally -A)
static bool VACthreshold
automatic threshold cost value selection for VAC during search (command line option -vacthr)
static int nbTimesIsVAC
static int nbTimesIsVACitThresholdMoreThanOne
static bool RASPS
static int useRASPS
VAC-based upper bound probing heuristic (0: no rasps, 1: rasps using DFS, >1: using LDS with bounded discrepancy + 1) (command line option -raspslds or -rasps)
static bool RASPSreset
reset weighted degree variable ordering heuristic after doing upper bound probing (command line option -raspsini)
static int RASPSangle
automatic threshold cost value selection for probing heuristic (command line option -raspsdeg)
static Long RASPSnbBacktracks
number of backtracks of VAC-based upper bound probing heuristic (command line option -rasps)
static int RASPSnbStrictACVariables
static Cost RASPSlastitThreshold
static bool RASPSsaveitThresholds
static vector<pair<Cost, Double>> RASPSitThresholds
static int debug
debug mode(0: no debug, 1: current search depth and statics on nogoods for BTD, 2: idem plus some information on heuristics, 3: idem plus save problem at each node if verbose >= 1) (command line option -Z)
static string externalUB
initial upper bound in CFN format
static int showSolutions
shows each solution found (0: nothing, 1: value indexes, 2: value names, 3: variable&value names) (command line option -s)
static bool showHidden
shows hidden variables for each solution found (command line option -s with a negative value)
static int writeSolution
writes each solution found (0: nothing, 1: value indexes, 2: value names, 3: variable&value names) (command line option -w)
static FILE *solutionFile
static long solutionFileRewindPos
static Long allSolutions
finds at most a given number of solutions with a cost strictly lower than the initial upper bound and stops (or counts the number of zero-cost satisfiable solutions in conjunction with BTD) (command line option -a)
static int dumpWCSP
saves the problem in wcsp (0: do not save, 1: original or 2: after preprocessing) or cfn (3: original or 4: after preprocessing) format (command line option -z)
static bool dumpOriginalAfterPreprocessing
saves the problem with initial domains after preprocessing (used in conjunction with dumpWCSP)
static bool approximateCountingBTD
approximate zero-cost satisfiable solution counting using BTD (command line options -D and -a and -B=1)
static bool binaryBranching
tree search using binary branching instead of n-ary branching for enumerated domains (command line option -b)
static int dichotomicBranching
tree search using dichotomic branching if current domain size is strictly greater than ToulBar2::dichotomicBranchingSize (0: no dichotomic branching, 1: splitting in the middle of domain range, 2: splitting in the middle of sorted unary costs) (command line option -d)
static unsigned int dichotomicBranchingSize
dichotomic branching threshold (related to command line option -d)
static bool sortDomains
sorts domains in preprocessing based on increasing unary costs (command line option -sortd)
Works only for binary WCSPs.
static map<int, ValueCost*> sortedDomains
static bool solutionBasedPhaseSaving
solution-based phase saving value heuristic (command line option -solr)
static Double bisupport
value heuristic in bi-objective optimization when the second objective is encapsulated by a bounding constraint (command line option -bisupport)
static int elimDegree
boosting search with variable elimination of small degree (0: no variable elimination, 1: linked to at most one binary cost function, 2: linked to at most two binary cost functions, 3: linked to at most one ternary cost function and two scope-included cost functions) (command line option -e)
static int elimDegree_preprocessing
in preprocessing, generic variable elimination of degree less than or equal to a given value (0: no variable elimination) (command line option -p)
static int elimDegree_
static int elimDegree_preprocessing_
static int elimSpaceMaxMB
maximum space size for generic variable elimination (in MegaByte) (related to command line option -p)
static int minsumDiffusion
in preprocessing, applies Min Sum Diffusion algorithm a given number of iterations (command line option -M)
static int preprocessTernaryRPC
in preprocessing, simulates restricted path consistency by adding ternary cost functions on most-promising triangles of binary cost functions (maximum space size in MegaByte) (command line option -t)
static int hve
hidden variable encoding into a binary WCSP
static int pwc
pairwise consistency by dual encoding into a binary WCSP
static bool pwcMinimalDualGraph
minimizes dual intersection graph by removing redundant edges
static int preprocessFunctional
in preprocessing, applies variable elimination of 0: no variable, 1: functional, or 2: bijective variables, or 3:functional before and after PWC (command line option -f)
static bool costfuncSeparate
in preprocessing, applies pairwise decomposition of non-binary cost functions (command line option -dec)
static int preprocessNary
in preprocessing, projects n-ary cost functions on all their scope-included binary cost functions if n is lower than a given value (0: no projection) (command line option -n)
static bool QueueComplexity
ensures optimal worst-case time complexity of DAC and EAC (command line option -o)
static bool Static_variable_ordering
tree search using a static variable ordering heuristic (same order as DAC) (command line option -svo)
static bool lastConflict
tree search using binary branching with last conflict backjumping variable ordering heuristic (command line options -c and -b)
static int weightedDegree
weighted degree variable ordering heuristic if the number of cost functions is less than a given value (command line option -q)
static int weightedTightness
in preprocessing, initializes weighted degrees associated to cost functions by their 1: average or 2: median costs (command line options -m and -q)
static int constrOrdering
in preprocessing, sorts constraints based on 0: do not sort, 1: lexicographic ordering, 2: decreasing DAC ordering, 3: decreasing constraint tightness, 4: DAC then tightness, 5: tightness then DAC, 6: random order, or the opposite order if using a negative value (command line option -sortc)
static bool MSTDAC
maximum spanning tree DAC ordering (command line option -mst)
static int DEE
soft neighborhood substitutability, a.k.a., dead-end elimination (0: no elimination, 1: restricted form during search, 2: full in preprocessing and restricted during search, 3: full always, 4: full in preprocessing) (command line option -dee)
static int DEE_
static int nbDecisionVars
tree search by branching only on the first variables having a lexicographic order position below a given value, assuming the remaining variables are completely assigned by this first group of variables (0: branch on all variables) (command line option -var)
static int lds
iterative limited discrepancy search (0: no LDS), use a negative value to stop the search after the given absolute number of discrepancies has been explored (command line option -l)
static bool limited
static Long restart
randomly breaks ties in variable ordering heuristics and Luby restarts until a given number of search nodes (command line option -L)
static Long backtrackLimit
limit on the number of backtracks (command line option -bt)
static externalevent setvalue
static externalevent setmin
static externalevent setmax
static externalevent removevalue
static externalcostevent setminobj
static externalsolution newsolution
static Pedigree *pedigree
static Haplotype *haplotype
static string map_file
static bool cfn
static bool gz
static bool bz2
static bool xz
static bool bayesian
static int uai
static int resolution
defines the number of digits that should be representable in UAI/OPB/QPBO/WBO formats (command line option -precision)
static bool resolution_Update
static TProb errorg
static TLogProb NormFactor
static int foundersprob_class
Allele frequencies of founders
0: equal frequencies
1: probs depending on the frequencies found in the problem
otherwise: read probability distribution from command line
static vector<TProb> allelefreqdistrib
static bool consecutiveAllele
static bool generation
static int pedigreeCorrectionMode
static int pedigreePenalty
static int vac
enforces VAC at each search node having a search depth less than the absolute value of a given value (0: no VAC, 1: VAC in preprocessing, >1: VAC during search up to a given search depth), if given a negative value then VAC is not performed inside depth-first search of hybrid best-first search method (command line option -A and possibly -hbfs)
static int vac_prev
static string costThresholdS
threshold cost value for VAC in CFN format (command line option -T)
static string costThresholdPreS
in preprocessing, threshold cost value for VAC in CFN format (command line option -P)
static Cost costThreshold
threshold cost value for VAC (command line option -T)
static Cost costThresholdPre
in preprocessing, threshold cost value for VAC (command line option -P)
static Double trwsAccuracy
in preprocessing , enforces TRW-S until a given accuracy is reached (command line option -trws)
static bool trwsOrder
replaces DAC order by Kolmogorov’s TRW-S order (command line option —trws-order)
static unsigned int trwsNIter
enforces at most n iterations of TRW-S (command line option —trws-n-iters)
static unsigned int trwsNIterNoChange
stops TRW-S when n iterations did not change the lower bound (command line option —trws-n-iters-no-change)
static unsigned int trwsNIterComputeUb
computes an upper bound every n steps in TRW-S (command line option —trws-n-iters-compute-ub)
static Double costMultiplier
multiplies all costs internally by this number when loading a problem in WCSP format (command line option -C)
static Cost costMultiplier_
static unsigned int decimalPoint
static string deltaUbS
stops search if the absolute optimality gap reduces below a given value in CFN format (command line option -agap)
static Cost deltaUb
static Cost deltaUbAbsolute
stops search if the absolute optimality gap reduces below a given value (command line option -agap)
static Double deltaUbRelativeGap
stops search if the relative optimality gap reduces below a given value (command line option -rgap)
static int singletonConsistency
in preprocessing, performs singleton soft local consistency (command line option -S)
static bool vacValueHeuristic
VAC-based value ordering heuristic (command line options -V and -A)
static BEP *bep
static LcLevelType LcLevel
soft local consistency level (0: NC, 1: AC, 2: DAC, 3: FDAC, 4: EDAC) (command line option -k)
static LcLevelType LcLevel_prev
static int maxEACIter
maximum number of iterations in EDAC before switching to FDAC
static bool wcnf
static bool qpbo
static Double qpboQuadraticCoefMultiplier
defines coefficient multiplier for quadratic terms in QPBO format (command line option -qpmult)
static bool opb
static bool lp
static int addAMOConstraints
automatically detects and adds at-most-one constraints to existing knapsack constraints
static bool addAMOConstraints_
automatically detects and adds at-most-one constraints to existing knapsack constraints
static int knapsackDP
solves exactly knapsack constraints using dynamic programming (at every search node or less often)
static bool VAClin
solves exactly knapsack constraints using dynamic programming (at every search node or less often)
static unsigned int divNbSol
upper bound on the number of diverse solutions (0: no diverse solution) (keep it small as it controls model size)
static unsigned int divBound
minimum Hamming distance between diverse solutions (command line options -div and -a)
static unsigned int divWidth
adds a global MDD constraint with a given maximum relaxed width for finding diverse solutions (command line option -mdd)
static unsigned int divMethod
diversity encoding method (0: Dual, 1: Hidden, 2: Ternary, 3: Knapsack) (command line option -divm)
static unsigned int divRelax
MDD relaxation heuristic (0: random, 1: high diversity, 2: small diversity, 3: high unary costs) (command line option -mddh)
static char *varOrder
variable elimination order for DAC, BTD, and VNS methods (0: lexicographic ordering, -1: maximum cardinality search ordering, -2: minimum degree ordering, -3: minimum fill-in ordering, -4: maximum spanning tree ordering, -5: reverse Cuthill-Mckee ordering, -6: approximate minimum degree ordering, -7: same as 0, 8: lexicographic ordering using variable names, string: variable ordering filename) (command line option -O)
static int btdMode
tree search exploiting tree/path decomposition (0: no tree decomposition, 1: BTD with tree decomposition, 2: RDS-BTD with tree decomposition, 3: RDS-BTD with path decomposition) (command line option -B)
static int btdSubTree
in RDS-BTD, cluster index for solving only this particular rooted cluster subtree (command line option -I)
static int btdRootCluster
chooses the root cluster index (command line option -R)
static int rootHeuristic
root cluster heuristic (0: maximum size, 1: maximum ratio of size by height-size, 2: minimum ratio of size by height-size, 3: minimum height) (command line option -root)
static bool reduceHeight
minimize cluster tree height when searching for the root cluster (command line option -minheight)
static bool maxsateval
static bool xmlflag
static bool xmlcop
static TLogProb markov_log
static string evidence_file
static FILE *solution_uai_file
static string solution_uai_filename
static string problemsaved_filename
static bool isZ
computes logarithm of probability of evidence (a.k.a. log-partition function) in UAI format (command line option -logz)
static TLogProb logZ
static TLogProb logU
static TLogProb logepsilon
approximation factor for computing the log-partition function (command line option -epsilon)
static Double epsilon
floating-point epsilon
static bool uaieval
static string stdin_format
file format used when reading a problem from a Unix pipe (“cfn”, “wcsp”, “uai”, “LG”, “cnf”, “wcnf”, “qpbo”, “opb”, “wbo”, “lp”) (command line option —stdin)
static double startCpuTime
static double startRealTime
static double startRealTimeAfterPreProcessing
static int splitClusterMaxSize
splits large clusters into a chain of smaller embedded clusters with a number of proper variables less than a given value (command line option -j)
static double boostingBTD
in BTD, merges recursively leaf clusters with their fathers if separator size smaller than ToulBar2::elimDegree, else in VNS, merges clusters if the ratio of number of separator variables by number of cluster variables is above a given threshold (command line option -E and possibly -e)
static int maxSeparatorSize
merges recursively clusters with their fathers if separator size greater than a given threshold (command line option -r)
static int minProperVarSize
merges recursively clusters with their fathers if the number of proper variables is less than a given threshold (command line option -X)
static bool heuristicFreedom
merges clusters automatically to give more freedom to variable ordering heuristics in BTD methods (command line option -F)
static int heuristicFreedomLimit
stops merging a cluster subtree during BTD search if we tried repeatedly to solve this cluster for the same separator assignment more than a given number of times (-1: no merging) (command line option -F)
static bool Berge_Dec
static bool learning
static externalfunc timeOut
static std::atomic<bool> interrupted
static int seed
initial random seed value, or use current time if a negative value is given (command line option -seed)
static Double sigma
initial random noise standard deviation to be added to energy values when reading UAI format files (command line option -sigma)
static string incop_cmd
in preprocessing, executes INCOP local search method to produce a better initial upper bound (default parameter string value “0 1 3 idwa 100000 cv v 0 200 1 0 0”, see INCOP user manual http://imagine.enpc.fr/~neveub/incop/incop1.1/usermanual.ps) (command line option -i)
static string pils_cmd
in preprocessing, executes PILS local search method to produce a better initial upper bound (default parameter string value “3 0 0.333 150 150 1500 0.1 0.5 0.1 0.1”, see PILS article https://doi.org/10.1002/prot.26174) (command line option -pils)
static string lrBCD_cmd
in preprocessing, executes LR-BCD to produce a better initial upper bound (default parameter string value “5 -2 3”) (command line option -lrBCD)
static SearchMethod searchMethod
chooses between tree search and variable neighborhood search methods (0: tree search, 1: sequential unified VNS, 2: sequential unified decomposition guided VNS, 3: synchronous parallel UDGVNS, 4: asynchronous parallel UDGVNS, 5: tree decomposition heuristic) (command line option -vns)
static string clusterFile
cluster tree decomposition filename in COV or DEC format (with or without running intersection property)
static ofstream vnsOutput
static VNSSolutionInitMethod vnsInitSol
initial solution for VNS-like methods (-1: random, -2: minimum domain values, -3: maximum domain values, -4: first solution found by DFS, >=0: or by LDS with at most n discrepancies (command line option -vnsini)
static int vnsLDSmin
minimum discrepancy value for VNS-like methods (command line option -ldsmin)
static int vnsLDSmax
maximum discrepancy value for VNS-like methods (command line option -ldsmax)
static VNSInc vnsLDSinc
discrepancy increment strategy for VNS-like methods (1: Increment by 1, 2: Multiply by 2, 3: Luby operator) (command line option -ldsinc)
static int vnsKmin
minimum neighborhood size for VNS-like methods (command line option -kmin)
static int vnsKmax
maximum neighborhood size for VNS-like methods (command line option -kmax)
static VNSInc vnsKinc
neighborhood size increment strategy for VNS-like methods (1: Increment by 1, 2: Multiply by 2, 3: Luby operator, 4: Increment by 1 until maximum cluster size then considers all variables) (command line option -kinc)
static int vnsLDScur
static int vnsKcur
static VNSVariableHeuristic vnsNeighborVarHeur
neighborhood heuristic method (0: random variables, 1: variables in conflict, 2: connected variables in conflict, 3: random cluster, 4: variables in conflict with maximum degree, 5: sorted cluster, 6: sorted cluster separator, 7: similar to 6, 8: randomized root cluster, 9: variables in partial conflict)
static bool vnsNeighborChange
static bool vnsNeighborSizeSync
static bool vnsParallelLimit
static bool vnsParallelSync
static string vnsOptimumS
stops VNS if a solution is found with a given cost (or better) in CFN format (command line option -best)
static Cost vnsOptimum
stops VNS if a solution is found with a given cost (or better) (command line option -best)
static bool parallel
parallel mode for tree search and VNS (see mpirun toulbar2)
static Long hbfs
performs hybrid best-first search with a given limit in the number of backtracks for depth-first search before visiting another open node (0: always DFS, 1: HBFS) (related to command line option -hbfs)
static Long hbfsGlobalLimit
restarts BTD-HBFS from the root cluster after a given number of backtracks (command line option -hbfs)
static Long hbfsAlpha
minimum recomputation node redundancy percentage threshold value (command line option -hbfsmin)
static Long hbfsBeta
maximum recomputation node redundancy percentage threshold value (command line option -hbfsmax)
static ptrdiff_t hbfsCPLimit
maximum number of stored choice points before switching to normal DFS (warning! should always be cast to std::size_t when used, so that -1 is equivalent to +infinity)
static ptrdiff_t hbfsOpenNodeLimit
maximum number of stored open nodes before switching to normal DFS (command line option -open) (warning! should always be cast to std::size_t when used, so that -1 is equivalent to +infinity)
static Long sortBFS
number of visited open nodes before sorting the remaining open nodes (command line option -sopen)
static Long eps
performs HBFS until a given number of open nodes are collected and exits (command line option -eps)
static string epsFilename
a given filename to print remaining valid (lower bound less than current upper bound) open nodes as partial assignments before exits (command line option -eps)
static bool verifyOpt
compiled in debug, checks if a given (optimal) solution is never pruned by propagation when the current upper bound is greater than the cost of this solution (see Solver::read_solution, related to command line option -opt)
static Cost verifiedOptimum
compiled in debug, a given (optimal) solution cost (see Solver::read_solution, related to command line option -opt)
static int bilevel
bilevel optimization using modified BTD with (at least) four clusters (P0 -> P1, P0 -> P2, P0 -> NegP2) corresponding to the restricted leader problem (P0 and P1), the follower problem (P2), and the negative follower problem (NegP2) (command line option -bilevel)
static vector<unsigned int> decimalPointBLP
static vector<Double> costMultiplierBLP
static vector<Cost> negCostBLP
static vector<Cost> initialLbBLP
static vector<Cost> initialUbBLP
static inline Double getCostMultiplier()