Variable and cost function modeling
- group modeling
Modeling a Weighted CSP consists in creating variables and cost functions.
Domains of variables can be of two different types:
enumerated domain allowing direct access to each value (array) and iteration on current domain in times proportional to the current number of values (double-linked list)
interval domain represented by a lower value and an upper value only (useful for large domains)
Cost functions can be defined in extension (table or maps) or having a specific semantic.
Cost functions in extension depend on their arity:
unary cost function (directly associated to an enumerated variable)
binary and ternary cost functions (table of costs)
n-ary cost functions (n >= 4) defined by a list of tuples with associated costs and a default cost for missing tuples (allows for a compact representation)
simple arithmetic and scheduling (temporal disjunction) cost functions on interval variables
global cost functions (eg soft alldifferent, soft global cardinality constraint, soft same, soft regular, etc) with three different propagator keywords:
flow propagator based on flow algorithms with “s” prefix in the keyword (salldiff, sgcc, ssame, sregular)
DAG propagator based on dynamic programming algorithms with “s” prefix and “dp” postfix (samongdp, salldiffdp, sgccdp, sregulardp, sgrammardp, smstdp, smaxdp)
network propagator based on cost function network decomposition with “w” prefix (wsum, wvarsum, walldiff, wgcc, wsame, wsamegcc, wregular, wamong, wvaramong, woverlap)
Note : The semantics of the network-based propagator approach is either a hard constraint (“hard” keyword) or a soft constraint by multiplying the number of changes by the basecost (“lin” or “var” keyword) or by multiplying the square value of the number of changes by the basecost (“quad” keyword)
Note : A decomposable version exists for each monolithic global cost function, except grammar and MST. The decomposable ones may propagate less than their monolithic counterpart and they introduce extra variables but they can be much faster in practice
Warning : Each global cost function may have less than three propagators implemented
Warning : Current implementation of toulbar2 has limited solving facilities for monolithic global cost functions (no BTD-like methods nor variable elimination)
Warning : Current implementation of toulbar2 disallows global cost functions with less than or equal to three variables in their scope (use cost functions in extension instead)
Warning : Before modeling the problem using make and post, call tb2init method to initialize toulbar2 global variables
Warning : After modeling the problem using make and post, call WeightedCSP::sortConstraints method to initialize correctly the model before solving it
Solving cost function networks
- group solving
After creating a Weighted CSP, it can be solved using a local search method like INCOP or PILS (see WeightedCSPSolver::narycsp or WeightedCSPSolver::pils) and/or an exact search method (see WeightedCSPSolver::solve).
Various options of the solving methods are controlled by ::Toulbar2 static class members (see files ./src/core/tb2types.hpp and ./src/tb2main.cpp).
A brief code example reading a wcsp problem given as a single command-line parameter and solving it:
#include "toulbar2lib.hpp" #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> int main(int argc, char **argv) { tb2init(); // must be call before setting specific ToulBar2 options and creating a model // Create a solver object initCosts(); // last check for compatibility issues between ToulBar2 options and Cost data-type WeightedCSPSolver *solver = WeightedCSPSolver::makeWeightedCSPSolver(MAX_COST); // Read a problem file in wcsp format solver->read_wcsp(argv[1]); ToulBar2::verbose = -1; // change to 0 or higher values to see more trace information // Uncomment if solved using INCOP local search followed by a partial Limited Discrepancy Search with a maximum discrepancy of one // ToulBar2::incop_cmd = "0 1 3 idwa 100000 cv v 0 200 1 0 0"; // ToulBar2::lds = -1; // remove it or change to a positive value then the search continues by a complete B&B search method // Uncomment the following lines if solved using Decomposition Guided Variable Neighborhood Search with min-fill cluster decomposition and absorption // ToulBar2::lds = 4; // ToulBar2::restart = 10000; // ToulBar2::searchMethod = DGVNS; // ToulBar2::vnsNeighborVarHeur = CLUSTERRAND; // ToulBar2::boostingBTD = 0.7; // ToulBar2::varOrder = reinterpret_cast<char*>(-3); if (solver->solve()) { // show (sub-)optimal solution vector<Value> sol; Cost ub = solver->getSolution(sol); cout << "Best solution found cost: " << ub << endl; cout << "Best solution found:"; for (unsigned int i=0; i<sol.size(); i++) cout << ((i>0)?",":"") << " x" << i << " = " << sol[i]; cout << endl; } else { cout << "No solution found!" << endl; } delete solver; }
See : another code example in ./src/toulbar2test.cpp
Warning : variable domains must start at zero, otherwise recompile without flag WCSPFORMATONLY
/** * Test toulbar2 API */ #include "toulbar2lib.hpp" #include "core/tb2wcsp.hpp" #include "vns/tb2vnsutils.hpp" #include "vns/tb2dgvns.hpp" #ifdef OPENMPI #include "vns/tb2cpdgvns.hpp" #include "vns/tb2rpdgvns.hpp" #endif #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> // INCOP default command line option const string Incop_cmd = "0 1 3 idwa 100000 cv v 0 200 1 0 0"; int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { #ifdef OPENMPI mpi::environment env; // equivalent to MPI_Init via the constructor and MPI_finalize via the destructor mpi::communicator world; #endif tb2init(); // must be call before setting specific ToulBar2 options and creating a model #ifdef OPENMPI if (world.rank() == WeightedCSPSolver::MASTER) ToulBar2::verbose = -1; // change to 0 or higher values to see more trace information else ToulBar2::verbose = -1; #else ToulBar2::verbose = -1; // change to 0 or higher values to see more trace information #endif // uncomment if Virtual Arc Consistency (equivalent to Augmented DAG algorithm) enable // ToulBar2::vac = 1; // option -A // ToulBar2::vacValueHeuristic = true; // option -V // uncomment if partial Limited Discrepancy Search enable // ToulBar2::lds = 1; // option -l=1 // uncomment if INCOP local search enable // ToulBar2::incop_cmd = Incop_cmd; // option -i // uncomment the following lines if variable neighborhood search enable // ToulBar2::lds = 4; // ToulBar2::restart = 10000; // #ifdef OPENMPI // if (world.size() > 1) { // ToulBar2::searchMethod = RPDGVNS; // ToulBar2::vnsParallel = true; // ToulBar2::vnsNeighborVarHeur = MASTERCLUSTERRAND; // ToulBar2::vnsParallelSync = false; // } else { // ToulBar2::searchMethod = DGVNS; // ToulBar2::vnsNeighborVarHeur = CLUSTERRAND; // } // #else // ToulBar2::searchMethod = DGVNS; // ToulBar2::vnsNeighborVarHeur = CLUSTERRAND; //**or** // ToulBar2::searchMethod = VNS; // ToulBar2::vnsNeighborVarHeur = RANDOMVAR; // #endif // create a problem with three 0/1 variables initCosts(); // last check for compatibility issues between ToulBar2 options and Cost data-type WeightedCSPSolver* solver = WeightedCSPSolver::makeWeightedCSPSolver(MAX_COST); int x = solver->getWCSP()->makeEnumeratedVariable("x", 0, 1); // note that for efficiency issue, I assume domain values start at zero (otherwise remove flag -DWCSPFORMATONLY in Makefile) int y = solver->getWCSP()->makeEnumeratedVariable("y", 0, 1); int z = solver->getWCSP()->makeEnumeratedVariable("z", 0, 1); // add random unary cost functions on each variable mysrand(getpid()); { vector<Cost> costs(2, 0); costs[0] = randomCost(0, 100); costs[1] = randomCost(0, 100); solver->getWCSP()->postUnary(x, costs); costs[0] = randomCost(0, 100); costs[1] = randomCost(0, 100); solver->getWCSP()->postUnary(y, costs); costs[0] = randomCost(0, 100); costs[1] = randomCost(0, 100); solver->getWCSP()->postUnary(z, costs); } // add binary cost functions (Ising) on each pair of variables { vector<Cost> costs; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { for (unsigned int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { costs.push_back((solver->getWCSP()->toValue(x, i) == solver->getWCSP()->toValue(y, j)) ? 0 : 30); // penalizes by a cost=30 if variables are assigned to different values } } solver->getWCSP()->postBinaryConstraint(x, y, costs); solver->getWCSP()->postBinaryConstraint(x, z, costs); solver->getWCSP()->postBinaryConstraint(y, z, costs); } // add a ternary hard constraint (x+y=z) { vector<Cost> costs; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { for (unsigned int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { for (unsigned int k = 0; k < 2; k++) { costs.push_back((solver->getWCSP()->toValue(x, i) + solver->getWCSP()->toValue(y, j) == solver->getWCSP()->toValue(z, k)) ? 0 : MAX_COST); } } } solver->getWCSP()->postTernaryConstraint(x, y, z, costs); } solver->getWCSP()->sortConstraints(); // must be done before the search // int verbose = ToulBar2::verbose; // ToulBar2::verbose = 5; // high verbosity to see the cost functions // solver->getWCSP()->print(cout); // ToulBar2::verbose = verbose; // tb2checkOptions(); if (solver->solve()) { #ifdef OPENMPI if (world.rank() == WeightedCSPSolver::MASTER) { #endif // show optimal solution vector<Value> sol; Cost optimum = solver->getSolution(sol); cout << "Optimum=" << optimum << endl; cout << "Solution: x=" << sol[x] << " ,y=" << sol[y] << " ,z=" << sol[z] << endl; #ifdef OPENMPI } #endif } else { #ifdef OPENMPI if (world.rank() == WeightedCSPSolver::MASTER) { #endif cout << "No solution found!" << endl; #ifdef OPENMPI } #endif } // cout << "Problem lower bound: " << solver->getWCSP()->getLb() << endl; // initial problem lower bound possibly enhanced by value removals at the root during search delete solver; return 0; } /* Local Variables: */ /* c-basic-offset: 4 */ /* tab-width: 4 */ /* indent-tabs-mode: nil */ /* c-default-style: "k&r" */ /* End: */
Output messages, verbosity options and debugging
- group verbosity
Depending on verbosity level given as option “-v=level”,
will output:(level=0, no verbosity) default output mode: shows version number, number of variables and cost functions read in the problem file, number of unassigned variables and cost functions after preprocessing, problem upper and lower bounds after preprocessing. Outputs current best solution cost found, ends by giving the optimum or “No solution”. Last output line should always be: “end.”
(level=-1, no verbosity) restricted output mode: do not print current best solution cost found
(level=1) shows also search choices (“[”search_depth problem_lower_bound problem_upper_bound sum_of_current_domain_sizes”] Try” variable_index operator value) with operator being assignment (“==”), value removal (“!=”), domain splitting (“<=” or “>=”, also showing EAC value in parenthesis)
(level=2) shows also current domains (variable_index list_of_current_domain_values “/” number_of_cost_functions (see approximate degree in Variable elimination) “/” weighted_degree list_of_unary_costs “s:” support_value) before each search choice and reports problem lower bound increases, NC bucket sort data (see NC bucket sort), and basic operations on domains of variables
(level=3) reports also basic arc EPT operations on cost functions (see Soft arc consistency and problem reformulation)
(level=4) shows also current list of cost functions for each variable and reports more details on arc EPT operations (showing all changes in cost functions)
(level=5) reports more details on cost functions defined in extension giving their content (cost table by first increasing values in the current domain of the last variable in the scope)
For debugging purposes, another option “-Z=level” allows one to monitor the search:
(level 1) shows current search depth (number of search choices from the root of the search tree) and reports statistics on nogoods for BTD-like methods
(level 2) idem
(level 3) also saves current problem into a file before each search choice
Note :
, compiled in debug mode, can be more verbose and it checks a lot of assertions (pre/post conditions in the code)Note :
will output an help message giving available options if run without any parameters
Preprocessing techniques
- group preprocessing
Depending on toulbar2 options, the sequence of preprocessing techniques applied before the search is:
i-bounded variable elimination with user-defined i bound
pairwise decomposition of cost functions (binary cost functions are implicitly decomposed by soft AC and empty cost function removals)
MinSumDiffusion propagation (see VAC)
projects&substracts n-ary cost functions in extension on all the binary cost functions inside their scope (3 < n < max, see toulbar2 options)
functional variable elimination (see Variable elimination)
projects&substracts ternary cost functions in extension on their three binary cost functions inside their scope (before that, extends the existing binary cost functions to the ternary cost function and applies pairwise decomposition)
creates new ternary cost functions for all triangles (ie occurences of three binary cost functions xy, yz, zx)
removes empty cost functions while repeating #1 and #2 until no new cost functions can be removed
Note : the propagation loop is called after each preprocessing technique (see WCSP::propagate)
Variable and value search ordering heuristics
- group heuristics
See : Boosting Systematic Search by Weighting Constraints . Frederic Boussemart, Fred Hemery, Christophe Lecoutre, Lakhdar Sais. Proc. of ECAI 2004, pages 146-150. Valencia, Spain, 2004.
See : Last Conflict Based Reasoning . Christophe Lecoutre, Lakhdar Sais, Sebastien Tabary, Vincent Vidal. Proc. of ECAI 2006, pages 133-137. Trentino, Italy, 2006.
See : Solution-based phase saving for CP: A value-selection heuristic to simulate local search behavior in complete solvers . Emir Demirovic, Geoffrey Chu, and Peter Stuckey. Proc. of CP-18, pages 99–108. Lille, France, 2018.
Soft arc consistency and problem reformulation
- group softac
Soft arc consistency is an incremental lower bound technique for optimization problems. Its goal is to move costs from high-order (typically arity two or three) cost functions towards the problem lower bound and unary cost functions. This is achieved by applying iteratively local equivalence-preserving problem transformations (EPTs) until some terminating conditions are met.
Note : eg an EPT can move costs between a binary cost function and a unary cost function such that the sum of the two functions remains the same for any complete assignment.
See : Arc consistency for Soft Constraints. T. Schiex. Proc. of CP’2000. Singapour, 2000.
Note : Soft Arc Consistency in toulbar2 is limited to binary and ternary and some global cost functions (eg alldifferent, gcc, regular, same). Other n-ary cost functions are delayed for propagation until their number of unassigned variables is three or less.
See : Towards Efficient Consistency Enforcement for Global Constraints in Weighted Constraint Satisfaction. Jimmy Ho-Man Lee, Ka Lun Leung. Proc. of IJCAI 2009, pages 559-565. Pasadena, USA, 2009.
Virtual Arc Consistency enforcing
- group VAC
The three phases of VAC are enforced in three different “Pass”. Bool(P) is never built. Instead specific functions (getVACCost) booleanize the WCSP on the fly. The domain variables of Bool(P) are the original variable domains (saved and restored using trailing at each iteration). All the counter data-structures (k) are timestamped to avoid clearing them at each iteration.
Note: Simultaneously AC (and potentially DAC, EAC) are maintained by proper queuing.
Note: usual domain events such that assign/remove should not be called during VAC phase 1, use removeVAC instead.
See : Soft Arc Consistency Revisited. Cooper et al. Artificial Intelligence. 2010.
NC bucket sort
- group ncbucket
maintains a sorted list of variables having non-zero unary costs in order to make NC propagation incremental.
variables are sorted into buckets
each bucket is associated to a single interval of non-zero costs (using a power-of-two scaling, first bucket interval is [1,2[, second interval is [2,4[, etc.)
each variable is inserted into the bucket corresponding to its largest unary cost in its domain
variables having all unary costs equal to zero do not belong to any bucket
NC propagation will revise only variables in the buckets associated to costs sufficiently large wrt current objective bounds.
Variable elimination
- group varelim
i-bounded variable elimination eliminates all variables with a degree less than or equal to i. It can be done with arbitrary i-bound in preprocessing only and iff all their cost functions are in extension.
i-bounded variable elimination with i-bound less than or equal to two can be done during the search.
functional variable elimination eliminates all variables which have a bijective or functional binary hard constraint (ie ensuring a one-to-one or several-to-one value mapping) and iff all their cost functions are in extension. It can be done without limit on their degree, in preprocessing only.
Note : Variable elimination order used in preprocessing is either lexicographic or given by an external file *.order (see toulbar2 options)
Note : 2-bounded variable elimination during search is optimal in the sense that any elimination order should result in the same final graph
Warning : It is not possible to display/save solutions when bounded variable elimination is applied in preprocessing
Warning : toulbar2 maintains a list of current cost functions for each variable. It uses the size of these lists as an approximation of variable degrees. During the search, if variable x has three cost functions xy, xz, xyz, its true degree is two but its approximate degree is three. In toulbar2 options, it is the approximate degree which is given by the user for variable elimination during the search (thus, a value at most three). But it is the true degree which is given by the user for variable elimination in preprocessing.
Propagation loop
- group propagation
Propagates soft local consistencies and bounded variable elimination until all the propagation queues are empty or a contradiction occurs.
While (queues are not empty or current objective bounds have changed):
queue for bounded variable elimination of degree at most two (except at preprocessing)
BAC queue
EAC queue
DAC queue
AC queue
monolithic (flow-based and DAG-based) global cost function propagation (partly incremental)
NC queue
returns to #1 until all the previous queues are empty
DEE queue
returns to #1 until all the previous queues are empty
VAC propagation (not incremental)
returns to #1 until all the previous queues are empty (and problem is VAC if enable)
exploits goods in pending separators for BTD-like methods
Queues are first-in / first-out lists of variables (avoiding multiple insertions). In case of a contradiction, queues are explicitly emptied by WCSP::whenContradiction
Backtrack management
- group backtrack
Used by backtrack search methods. Allows to copy / restore the current state using Store::store and Store::restore methods. All storable data modifications are trailed into specific stacks.
Trailing stacks are associated to each storable type:
Store::storeValue for storable domain values StoreValue (value supports, etc)
Store::storeInt for storable integer values StoreInt (number of non assigned variables in nary cost functions, etc)
Store::storeCost for storable costs StoreCost (inside cost functions, etc)
Store::storeDomain for enumerated domains (to manage holes inside domains)
Store::storeIndexList for integer lists (to manage edge connections in global cost functions)
Store::storeConstraint for backtrackable lists of constraints
Store::storeVariable for backtrackable lists of variables
Store::storeSeparator for backtrackable lists of separators (see tree decomposition methods)
Store::storeKnapsack for backtrackable lists of knapsack constraints
Store::storeBigInteger for very large integers StoreBigInteger used in solution counting methods
Memory for each stack is dynamically allocated by part of \(2^x\) with x initialized to STORE_SIZE and increased when needed.
Note : storable data are not trailed at depth 0.
Warning : Current storable data management is not multi-threading safe! (Store is a static virtual class relying on StoreBasic<T> static members)